Chapter 1

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Finding match.

Match found.

Impala67 is typing.....

Impala67: Hey

SilentBee: Hi

Impala67: Bees? You like bees?

SilentBee: Yes

Impala67: I'm going to call you bee then

SilentBee: What can I call you then?

SilentBee: Wait, what's your favorite food?

Impala67: Pie. Why?

SilentBee: I'm going to call you Pie then.

Impala67: Bee and Pie. What a weird combination.

SilentBee: I like it!

SilentBee: I have to go do homework now. Sorry :(

Impala67: Wait, what year are you?

SilentBee: I'm a sophomore. What about you?

Impala67: Senior. Well you go do your homework now. Bye Bee.

SilentBee: Goodbye Pie.


Castiel Novak smiles as he puts his phone down and pulls out his algebra homework. He is glad he found someone to talk to, someone who doesn't know who he is. He doesn't even know anything about Impala67 but he knew that they made him smile.

Castiel didn't speak, at all. He just didn't find the need to. Ever since he was younger he was an outcast but it didn't mind him. He stayed in the shadows and he liked it. He always got good grades and had a good life with his family. He was just happy in general.

Castiel packs up his finished homework and heads off to sleep.


Castiel wakes up to a loud bang from downstairs. He walks down the stairs to see what was going on only to see his 18 year old brother, Gabriel, lying on the floor with pots and pans all around him. He just laughs at his position and doesn't even bother to get up. He turns his head to see Castiel standing at the kitchen door with a small smile on his face.

"Well, guess I woke up sleeping Cassie, didn't I?" He laughs as he gets up and starts to put the poys and pans back. Castiel walks in to help his brother and Gabriel smiles at him.

"Thanks Cassie. Just grab an apple before we leave. Not enough time to make something decent for breakfast now." Castiel smiles and walks back upstairs to get dressed. He walks into his room to see a message.

Impala67: Morning Bee!

Castiel smiles as he types a reply.

SilentBee: How do you even know it's morning where I am. It could be midday?

Impala67: Just a guess. And my guess was right Bee :)

SilentBee: I guess so. Well I have to go get ready for school. Talk to you later Pie :D

Impala67: Bye Bee!

Castiel walks to his draws to pull out an old shirt of some classic rock band and some black skinny jeans. He puts on some black converse and grand his tan trenchcoat from his wardrobe before grabbing his bag and leaving his room.

He walks down the stairs to see Gabriel ready by the door.

"C'mon. The bus won't wait for us." Gabriel had his license but since the boys father used the only car and Gabriel spends all of his earnings on sweets, they have to catch the bus. Castiel is alright with that though. He just sits in the middle and the world pays no attention to him.

They just get to the bus stop as the bus shows up and hop in, Gabriel heading to the back with the other seniors and Castiel sitting in his usual seat in the middle.

Everyone hops off the bus as it stops outside the school building. Castiel stops playing his music and walks towards the enterence. He stops when he hears loud pitch squeels from a few girls behind him. He instantly turns around to see why they were squeeling, Castiel wasn't surprised as to why though.

Dean Winchester.

The most popular senior in school, he is the fastest swimmer on the swimming team and even though he is popular, his grades are pretty high. People like Dean were the shadows that Castiel hides behind. Everyone is too occupied by him and his friends that nobody pays attention to him. Its good cause all Castiel wants to do in his free time at school was read in the library.

Castiel walks to his locker with no trouble, hits his locker a couple of times to unlock the door as it was jammed and grab his first set of books for English. The bell rings and he walks off to his first class.

Castiel walks to his usual spot at the back of the class and takes out a pen as the teacher spoke.

"Alright class." The teacher said a bit too loud for a Monday morning. "For the two months you will be working with a partner to create a short story, explaining each others lives. Now since this class is combined with our small senior class, I will be grading you on your year level so its fair." Castiel internally groaned. He had to work with...people. He wasn't much of a people person, that's why he stays as far away from anyone who is not his family.

"Will we be able to pick our partners?" A girl from the front of the class, Becky, asked.

"No. I know you would pick your friends and you know everything  about them so I will pick the partners." The teacher starts reading off a list. Castiel doesn't care unless his name was being called.

Castiel and Dean.

Castiel turned to his left and found Dean in the row in front of him, staring at him. Castiel instantly look down at his book, wondering why he had to be paired with the Dean Winchester.

"Now go sit with your partners so you can discuss everything." The teacher walks out of the room and Castiel sees Dean turning his chair around to face him.

"So, how are you Castiel? I don't see you around school at all." Dean asks and Castiel just shrugs his shoulders.

"Castiel is too much of a handful. Can I call you Cas?" Dean asks and Castiel nods. Nobody has ever given him a nickname before. It was a weird feeling.

"You don't talk much, do you?" Castiel shakes his head and writes something on a piece of paper and gives it to Dean.

'I don't talk at all.'

"On, ok. I'm fine with that. It'll be good for the story and all." Castiel smiles, happy that Dean is fine being his partner.

"So can I get your number so we can sort our times to hang out?" Dean asks as he hands his phone to Castiel, ready to create a new contact. Castiel takes the phone and enters his name and number and Dean does the same. At that point the cell rang. Both boys were surprised as they didn't realise the class was over so quickly.

"I'll text you later about meeting up." Dean says and he stands up and Castiel nods "See ya Cas." Dean smiles as he walks off with his friends. Castiels smiles as he walks off to his next class.


Hi! I hope you like this chapter. I hope I can actually update this one 😁

Till next time

Vic xx

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