Chapter 13: The Letter

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That night, Feliciano went home with Holy Roman Empire, leaving the two alone. Maria slept for the second time. Kiku didn't know what to do. Just then, he got an idea. He decided to write a letter for the answer of Maria's question. The letter says: "Dear Maria, Remember that you asked me a question? Here's the answer for that. I already told you before i left. I'm sorry if i left you.  I won't forget your smile while i fight. You're just like a precious diamond i want to lose. If you know the answer already, i'm sorry if i asked. 
愛してる。                                                       Love,                                                                 Kiku Honda" Kiku thought the letter was really good, which made him smile. He placed the letter at her desk just to know that he sent it. Before sleeping, he kissed his little sister's forehead. Maria dreamt of the past. She remembers why she had a curse on her left eye. She was so angry at Kuro and wanted to kill him. She scratched her head. It was around two o'clock at night. Maria heard footsteps of something or someone that woke her up. She didn't know that there is a letter from Kiku. The sakura trees at night are very beautiful to see. At night, the cherry trees are gold. If you see the sakura trees on night, you will be victorious at battles. The letter flew away and Maria caught it. She read the letter and went to her brother's room.      To Be Continued                                      (I apologize if this is a very short chapter to read. But if you enjoyed my story, i'm happy! Stay tuned for the secret character at one of the chapters......)                       ~Maria_Clara_Hedevary

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