rainy days (part 2)

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also you may want to go back and read rainy days part one before you read this bc it's been a while

"Mitch kissed Scott passionately, and Scott responded quickly. They pulled away, and Mitch rested his head back on Scott's chest.

That was the moment Scott knew he wanted to propose."


"Morning, sleepyhead." Scott kissed Mitch on the lips. "Time to wake up. We have rehearsal today."

Mitch groaned and turned over.


"Can we just stay in bed all day? Like we did a few weeks ago? Please?" Mitch asked, rubbing his eyes. "Tour has me so worn out."

"I know, babe. I wish we could rest, too." Scott sat down beside Mitch. "But we can't."

"Fine," Mitch said, standing up.

They got ready for rehearsal, and stopped by Starbucks before it started.

"Hey, everyone," Scott said, walking into the rehearsal area.

"Let me guess," Kirstie started. "You're late because either Mitch didn't want to wake up or you went to Starbucks."

"Actually, both." Mitch said. "I've just been so tired lately."

"We all have, Minnie." Scott kissed his forehead.

They rehearsed their set list, and had to go through a few songs twice. Nothing out of the ordinary.

*skip to that evening*

Mitch was blow drying his hair, because Scott wanted to take him on a little date night while they were still in California. He thought the gesture was sweet, so he took the offer up.

"Ready, babe?" Scott asked, walking into the bathroom in a tux.

"Woah, where are we going?" Mitch asked. "Should I dress in a tux?"

"No, you're dressed fine." Scott said, grabbing Mitch's hand. "Let's go."

Scott had something planned. Since Mitch loved the outdoors so much, that's where he was going to propose.

"Scott, where are you taking me? Don't we need the car to get there?"

"Nope! It's such a nice day out. We can walk." They walked out of the apartment building.

Mitch couldn't help but wonder what Scott was up to. Why he was dressed nicer than him, why they were walking when there wasn't a restaurant nearby.

He got even more confused when they stopped walking when they reached a nice field.

It started to rain lightly as the clouds covered the sun, and Scott frowned.

"Shit," he said.

"What?" Mitch asked.

It started to rain harder, and thunder cracked. The harder it rained, the more frustrated Scott was.

He led Mitch up to a picnic that was being rained on, and Scott looked extremely upset.

"Scottie, what's wrong?"

"I had this plan to serenade you-there was going to be a string quartet and everything. But they just left because of the rain. The food's ruined, the picnic blanket is sopping wet, it's ruined."

It was practically pouring, both of them were just as wet as the picnic blanket.

"I wanted to make this moment perfect," Scott said, nearly yelling over a thunder crack.

"But why?"

"This is why," Scott pulled a small box out of his pocket. "This is why, Mitch."

"Oh my god," Mitch put a hand over his mouth as Scott got down on one knee.

"Mitch Grassi, you are the love of my life. I want to spend forever with you. We've been dating for three years, and those have been the best three years of my life. I love you like you'll never understand, and I'm so lucky to have gotten to even know a guy like you, let alone date you. So I have one question, Mitch, will you marry me?"

Mitch knelt down to Scott's level, nodding his head as he cried, the rain mixing with the tears on his face.

"Yes, I'll marry you, of course I'll marry you."

Scott slipped the ring onto Mitch's shaking hand. Mitch grabbed Scott's cheeks and kissed him, the rain pouring around them, making the moment all the more perfect.

Rainy days are the best days.

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