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summary: scott is a choir teacher and he talks about his "good friend" mitch to his students a lot and they've come to a conclusion

actually based on my real life and my real teacher


"Oh! Before I start class today, I want to show you guys something." Scott said.

He pulled up a funny YouTube video to show his class, the students laughing once it was over.

"My good friend Mitch showed that to me last night." Scott said. "Okay. Everyone get out your music!"

One of his students, Brittany, raised her hand. "Your friend, huh?"

Tori raised her hand. "Mr. Hoying, you do know that we all have your snapchat?"

Sydney raised hers. "And we see your 'good friend' Mitch across the table at dinner a lot on your snapchat."

Scott went over to the piano and started playing the class' starting pitches.

"Mr. Hoying, are you dating Mitch?" Katelynn asked.

Scott thought about what he could tell his students.

"Okay. You caught me." He said. "Yeah. I am." He smiled.

The class got excited.

"How long have you been dating?" Jessica asked.

"Six months."

"Mr. Hoying! You only came out to us three months ago!" Reagan said.

"I know." Scott winked.

"Wait, wait, wait." Baylyn said. "How does your ex wife feel about this?"

Scott laughed. "She's accepted the fact that I'm gay. I told her that I apologized for it, and that I thought maybe marrying a woman would change things, but it didn't. But now we're happily divorced, and we're good friends."

Jocelyn raised her hand. "I want to meet Mitch."

The entire class agreed.

"No, let's not do that." Scott laughed.

"Come on, Mr. Hoying! You've met all of our boyfriends. We should get to meet yours." Keeley said.

"I guess you're right," Scott gave in. "Let me shoot him a text, see if he can come sometime next week." He said, tapping away at his phone.

After a minute or so, he spoke again. "He's coming on Wednesday. Now. Can we please get to rehearsing?"

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