Yona's Birthday

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It was the night of Yona's birthday and we were all currently celebrating it. We sat at the table with Yona and King Il since we were family and it was supposedly only right that we did so in order we sat with King Il in the middle and Soo-won and Yona on either side of him, and I sat beside Soo-won of course.

King Il invited Hak to sit with Yona after she tried to have Soo-won sit beside her but he declined and stood against the wall. I wouldn't want to sit with her either.

After dinner there was supposed to be a time of dance and having fun, but half of those attended were way too drunk to even stay awake.

Soo-won turns to me, "Will you walk with me, Meissa?"

"To where?" I ask.

"Around the castle. I need to speak with you."

I nod my head and we leave the room.

We walked in silence for several moments before he stopped.

"I talked with Hak today." He says, breaking the silence.

I don't say anything.

"He asked me for my blessing to fight for your hand in marriage."

"What did you say?" I ask.

"I told him it was up to you."

I nod my head. "I don't want to fight him. He might beat me, and I don't want to marry."

"You have to one day, Meissa."

"I know."

A silence fell upon us and once again he was the one to break it.

"I've been planning something for a long time now, and tonight is the night it will all play out."

"What will happen, what do you need me to do?"

He opens the door to the room were standing in front of and leads me inside. "I need you to stay in here, I will come for you when it is safe."

"What? No! I'm staying with you!"

He sighs and grabs my arm and places a metal cuff around my wrist. He steps back and I reach for him only to get no where. He chained me to the wall.

"You'll only be in the way, Meissa. I thought that you could have been of use to me, but I see now with all that's happened with you and Hak that you would only be an obstacle."

"Why are you doing this to me? I want to protect you!" I cry. Tears flooding my vision.

"There will be a war tonight, and I cannot ask you to choose between me or Hak."

"But why would I even have to? You two are friends!"

"You wouldn't understand, it's not about that anymore." He says as he turns around.

"Soo-won don't you dare leave me here!"

He walks to the door, ignoring me. He opens the door and steps out of the room.

"Soo-won!" I scream. As he shuts the door and turns the lock. I dropped to my knees. Why was he doing this to me?

I hear running outside and the distant scream of Yona calling for my brother. I couldn't just stay here. I stand up and pull against the chain tight as I draw my sword and with all my strength I slice through the metal in one swipe. Then I bolt towards the door and slam into it with all my might, knocking it off it's hinges. I was not weak, and Soo-won knew that.

I followed the sound of clanging metal. Someone was fighting and I had to make sure it wasn't Soo-won. I had to make sure he was safe.

As I ran I came upon a fight between Hak and Soo-won. Yona sat in the mud and many strange faces stood around watching. I draw my sword and run straight into the middle of their fight.

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