A Peek Into the Past

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"Goodbye, Kiyohime" a man with long red hair says.

We stood amongst the clouds. He held my hands with his. I didn't understand why he called me Kiyohime, and I wanted to correct him, but for some reason I didn't.

"You're leaving." I say angrily.

"I must." He says. "Their hearts are full of hatred and they have forgotten about us. They need me."

"They chose the path that has led them to this, you need not try and save them."

"But I love them, so I must." He says.

"And do you not love me?" I say.

"I love all, Kiyohime. I even love you, despite the evil in your heart. But I cannot save you as I can save them. You are destined to destroy, that is why you were created after all, but-"

"But what?!" I yell. Tears began to flood my vision.

"They need me. I can change their fate."

"I need you! I scream as he lets go of me.

"Goodbye." He says.

"Don't you dare leave me," I yell as he turns away from me. "You'll regret this day, Hiryuu! I'll make you regret leaving me!"

He turns into a great crimson dragon and flies down to Earth and I fall to my knees.

My heart hurt. I had no idea who that man was. A woman approaches me. It was Kiyohime.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"This is my past. I'm allowing you to see the legacy that you are to carry on."

"I don't understand, he called me by your name. I feel broken. I don't even know that man." I explain.

"I put you in my place, so you would know how it felt. So you would understand why I've done the things I've done, why it is important that you finish what I couldn't." She explains. "But I'm afraid that we have to stop here."

"I'm asleep again, aren't I?" I ask.

She nods. "He's waiting for you to wake up."

I nod my head and close my eyes, waiting for her to bring me back to reality.

I open my eyes again. I was back in my room, tucked under blankets with a rag on my forehead. I had on nothing but the bandages that wrapped around my body and a light robe that I could use to cover myself if needed.

Soo-won was asleep beside me. He laid on top of the covers, still fully dressed from earlier. They had me laid on my stomach, I suppose to avoid messing up my stitches, but it was extremely uncomfortable. I pushed myself off the ground slightly so that I could roll over without shifting my bandages.

Soo-won's hand moves over to mine to stop me. "Stop moving so much. You need to allow yourself to heal."

I started to argue but I remembered what Kiyohime said. "What happened?" I ask.

"Some of your stitches tore and you started bleeding badly. I was able to walk you out but you passed out soon after that."

"I'm sorry." I mumble as I let myself flop down on my stomach.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asks.

"I've been nothing but trouble to you."

He sits up. "I'm just glad you're back. Don't leave me ever again," he says. His voice was sad as if it was hard for him not to have me around. "Do you need anything, Meissa?"

I shake my head. "Alright. We should both get some more sleep." He suggests as he lays back down.



"Why are you in the same bed as me?" I ask.

"Because it's my bed." He says simply and I left it at that.


"Yeah?" He asks looking over his shoulder.

"I do love you."

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