The Abyss

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"Hak... You're bleeding-" Yona says once we are hidden.

"This isn't mine." He turns to me. "Please stay here with the princess."

My heart drops, something was wrong. Eventually the troops would move on to look for us, we could stay here and be fine. I shake my head angrily. "No! I told you I'm not protecting her."

"I didn't ask you to."

"I'm not staying here Hak. You need me."

He shakes his head. "No I don't. I've never needed you. You should have stayed with Soo-won, but you didn't and I need you to stay here. You don't have to protect her, and if you feel as if you have to protect someone, protect yourself. I don't care, just stay out of my way." His words were harsh.

I fell to my knees and buried my face in my hands as he left. My chest hurt and I couldn't bare to watch him walk away. I grabbed the end of his robe. "You may not need me, but I need you Hak. You're injured and I can't let you go out there, you'll die."

He continues to leave and the fabric slips through my fingers as he walks away. I clutch my chest as I cry. I couldn't take this.

"Meissa," she walks over towards me and kneels down. She takes my face into her hands and turns me to her. "Please go help, Hak. You're the only one who can protect him. Please don't let him die." She wipes the tears from my eyes and I nod.

I take the bow and quiver off my shoulder and unsheathe my sword, pulling the hood over my head.

I run out of the bushes and towards the fight. I shoved my sword into the back of the nearest soldier and continued to do the same as I made my way over to Hak.

He was showing signs of fatigue. "Hak you idiot!" I scream angrily.

"I told you to stay put!" He yells back.

"I'm not your pet dog! I'll do as I choose and I chose to save your stupid ass!" I say as I stab the guy I was fighting and throw several knives at the men that Hak was fighting.

"I don't need you!" He calls after me.

We continue to argue as we fight until a flash of red appears in the corner of my eye and a man is knocked down below.

"Why did you move?!" Hak screams at her. She seemed to be talking with Tae-jun.

"Get her out of here!" He yells to me.

I take down another guy as more run to me. "I'm a little busy if you haven't noticed!"

As Hak kept fighting he started getting clumsy and closer to the edge. The men were closing in on him. I push the one I was fighting out of my way and bolt towards him. A man slices Hak in the stomach and he loses his balance and a bolt of pain shoots through my leg and back, knocking me over. I look behind me and see two arrows sticking out of my leg and back. "Hak, Meissa!" Yona cries.

I look back to Hak and see that he's holding on to the ledge with one hand. I get back up and start running towards him again, only to have three or four more arrows shot into my back. I continue to crawl towards him as I'm shot once again in the arm. I pulled the arrows out of my flesh. I might lose more blood this way but I had to get to Hak.

I was only a few feet away and with every inch I moved I was shot again. Then Yona runs past me swinging a sword and gets the men to move away from him. One man backs up and stops right beside me and I grab onto his leg to try and get myself up.

He looks down to me and jumps when he sees my face. "Princess Meissa?! Is that you?"

"I have.. to help... Hak..."

He bends over and helps me sit up and begins yanking the arrows out of my back and arms. "Oh God, Prince Soo-won is going to kill us all." He says nervously.

I push him away as I start crawling again. I was almost in arms reach of Yona when she slipped and her and Hak both plummet into the abyss.

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