The Black Dragon Secret

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The ride home back to Hiryuu Castle was mostly silent. It was about a days ride, and I slept most of it. I think that worried Soo-won even more because it wasn't like me to let my guard down so easily. The only problem with going to sleep, it was harder for me to ignore Kiyohime. She could directly confront me there, and I would have nowhere to turn to.

When I awoke, I was being carried into mine and Soo-won's bed chambers. I stared at Soo-won. He was beautiful. He reminded me of an angel, but I knew he wasn't one. These past few months, Soo-won had become a completely different person. He was a stranger.

My mind began to drift to how Soo-won used to be, but that only reminded me of Hak, and the more I thought abot him; the more I realized that it was always Hak. I had always loved Hak. I never loved Soo-won, I just always felt the need to protect him. I made the wrong choice, and my heart hurt because I knew I was never going to be able to get another chance.

"Are you okay?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "I'm fine." I mumble.

"You're crying." He points out.

I wipe at my eyes. I was crying. "I'm fine, I promise."

He sets me down in our bed and sits beside me. He stares down at me without saying a word. He seemed like he had been lost in thought as well.

"I suppose I owe you an explanation." I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling.

"You don't owe me anything Meissa." He says quietly. Barely whispering. I look at him, his eyes seemed sad.

"I've been keeping a pretty big secret. I would've told you sooner, but I don't think you'd believe me."

"You can tell me anything, Meissa." He says.

I sigh, "I know that. But I suppose the fact that you keep a lot of things from me, makes me more mad than I realize. I guess me not telling you certain things was my way of getting even."

He doesn't say anything and I didn't expect him to. If he wasn't going to tell me anything before, he definitely wasn't going to tell me now.

"I'm the resurrected form of my ancestor, Kiyohime- The Black Dragon goddess of destruction and evil." I blurt out.

His mood seems to change as he tries to comprehend what I said. "What?"

I sit up and look him in the eye. "I know it sounds crazy, but please hear me out."

He nods his head and I continue.

"Kiyohime is the Black Dragon goddess of evil and destruction. She was a lover of the Crimson Dragon, from our kingdom's creation myth, which I suppose isn't very much of a myth. Her and the Crimson Dragon had a daughter together, named Bora."

He stops me. "That's what you called the fortune teller."

I nod my head. "The Crimson Dragon descended to Earth, leaving Kiyohime. Kiyohime felt betrayed and hurt and wanted to make him suffer, so she followed him. But once she left the Heavens, she became human and soon found out that she was pregnant with the Crimson Dragon's child,  but because Kiyohime became human; her child was born with a mortal body and immortal soul- making the child live forever, but she couldn't ever ascend to the heavens because she was mortal."

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