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We entered a small fortune teller's shop and made our way to the back.

"So you're who my mother chose resurrect into."

I nod my head. "I suppose so. She wants me to tell you she loves you."

"I know she does. But I'm here to talk to you, not her."

I stare at her. "Oh."

"Ever since my parent's mortal deaths, they have been stuck in this sort of resurrection cycle. My father typically chooses a form that my mother has been able to easily destroy each time, which throws everything off balance, because this world cannot exist with just my mother or just my father, they have to be together. If that makes sense." She begins to explain.

"I suppose it does."

"For example, the reason why things have gotten so bad is because of this constant cycle. My mother is the goddess of evil and destruction, so without my father there to balance everything out, people began to become evil. The issue right now is that both my parents resurrected as one of their descendants, both of which turned out to be someone who is not easily beaten.

"I'm a descendant of Kiyohime?"

Bora nods. "My mother had another child with a mortal. I had two half brothers basically. You're the descendant of Yeo, while your enemy is the descendant of Yak-shi." She explains. "Basically what all this means is; when my mother tries to send you to kill my father, you won't be able to do it, and my father won't be able to defeat you. It'll be a stalemate if anything."

"That's good. Everything will be in balance." I say.

Bora shakes her head. "My mother won't except it. When Yak-shi took me away from her she blamed it heavily on my father for whatever reason she conjured up, even though the situation was completely out of his hands. If she sends you to kill my father and you can't do it, she'll resort to using her power, which will ultimately destroy you entirely, and not only that she is more than capable of destroying the world. You have to learn how to control my mother."

"How do I control her?" I ask.

"The only thing I can tell you is to avoid my father entirely. You hold power over her, don't let her into your life anymore. Allowing her to show you things from the past, allowing her to take control of your life, anything like that allows her to start controlling you. You have to stand strong against her."

I nod my head. "Who is Hiryuu?"

She waves me over to a table where a crystal ball was. "I know this is cheesy, but they actually work." She places her hands on it and closes her eyes. "Look closely into the ball and tell me what you see."

I look into it and a flash of red hair appears. "I see my cousin, Yona."

"Go on."

"I see Hak, I see four men- I recognize one of them. It's Ouryuu. I think the other three must be dragon warriors as well. They're standing outside Hiryuu Castle." Yona must be Hiryuu. She was a descendant of Yak-shi after all.

The scene begins to change. "Now what do you see?"

"I see Soo-won. He's holding my hand. It looks like I'm giving birth. Judo bursts in and tells something to Soo-won, and Soo-won looks at me. His eyes are full of fear."

The image disappears and I look at Bora.

"Those two events correspond somehow. I'm not sure how or when. But keep an eye out."

"It must not be any time soon. Soo-won and I decided last night that we would wait to have children." I explain.

"That doesn't matter if you happened to already be pregnant." She tells me with a hinting tone.

I look down at my stomach. "So you mean?"

She smiles. "Congratulations."

My heart stops. I don't think I'm ready for this.

A few moments later there is a banging at the door. "Open up!" It was Judo. "We need to search the premises."

I followed Bora to the door and as she opened it, Judo bursts in. His eyes meet mine and he sighs in relief. "She's in here, Your Majesty!" He calls out.

Soo-won comes running inside and when he sees me he runs over and pulls me into a tight hug. "Are you alright? Did she hurt you in any way?" He whispers.

"I'm fine. She helped me." I say reassuringly. He nods and turns to Judo.

"Stand down, everything is alright." Judo nods and sheaths his sword.

"We need an explanation." Soo-won says.

"Something came over me and I sent Bahk and Li to find you. And Bora here found me and took me in so I wouldn't be laying in the street." I explain. I avoided mentioning Hak.

He places a hand on either side of my face "Are you sure you're alright?" His eyes were serious. He looked worried.

I place a hand on top of his. "I'm fine now. I promise."

"I think we should head back to the castle and have a doctor take a look at you. It's not like you to suddenly fall ill out of nowhere."

I shake my head. "I know what's the matter, I'm just not sure if it's a matter I can discuss with you." I glance over to Bora and she nods her head indicating that I could if I chose to.

"You can tell me anything, Meissa."

I shake my head, "I'll think about it. But there's something I do need to tell you, just not here."

I wanted to tell Soo-won about Kiyohime, but I wasn't sure if he'd believe me. Besides he keeps everything hidden from me so I didn't feel that bad.

Soo-won places his hand at the small of my back and begins to guide me out of the shop.

"Goodbye, Bora" I call over my shoulder. "Thank you for everything."

"Anytime, Your Majesty. Let me know if I can assist your situation any further."

I looked down at my stomach once more. I wondered how Soo-won would react. My mind began to drift towards Hak. There was no going back to him now.

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