Bad Dreams

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"Hello Meissa."

All around me was black. I look towards where the voice was coming from. It was Kiyohime.

"I'm not dying am I?" I promised him I wouldn't.

"No, just asleep. Probably the best thing for you." She says.

"Are you going to show me more of the past?" She smiles and the blackness begins to melt away.

I sat upon a throne in silk robes with a violet eyed child standing next to me, the two of us staring down at the man with red hair. He was tied up with swords at his throat.

"Why?" He asks. "Why is your heart so full of hatred? Why must you cause them to suffer Kiyohime?"

"They chose their own path, just as you chose to leave me, Hiryuu. I only planted the seed of all things evil, it was them who nourished it and allowed it grow. And it was you who thought you could make a difference."

His gaze shifts over to the girl that stood beside me. She had raven black hair and violet eyes. She was small but her gaze was menacing.

"This is my daughter Bora." I say introducing the girl.

"Her eyes..." he mumbles as if he was on to something but couldn't figure it out.

"She inherited them from her father." I say sourly. I kneel before him and push the wild strands of fiery hair out of his face revealing the same violet eyes that the child had. "Meet your daughter Hiryuu."

The girl hid behind her mother's robes, not sure what to do. "Mother, why haven't we killed this man?"

"Bora, come say hello to him."

She approached her father, not quite understanding who he was. He smiled to her, "Hello, little one."

"My name is Bora, I am not little."

He chuckles and I couldn't help but to feel light-hearted. This was the man I once loved.

Well, not me exactly.

But the feeling was soon replaced with anger. "Bora, step back."

I stood up and held the hand of the child. "You left us, Hiryuu. I can never forgive you for that."

"I-I didn't know."

I glare at him. "Would you have stayed if you had known?"

He looks down. "No, I could have never stayed with you. But I would have stayed for her. To prevent her from becoming you."

I glare at him. "I'm not that bad of a person." I got
Bora and sat her on my lap.

"Can we keep him Mother? I kind of like him."

I shake my head. "No he must die, if you prefer not to watch you don't have to."

"You're just going to kill me in front of my daughter, Kiyohime?"

"She doesn't have to look." I say simply. Something told me this was wrong, but I had to do it. "I really do love you Hiryuu, but if I can't have you then no one can."

"That's the thing, Kiyohime. Love isn't possessive."

I hold my hand up to stop the guards. "I let you go didn't I? I loved you more than anything and I tried so hard to be good for you, and you just left me alone with child. And at the time I didn't know I was pregnant, and I chased after you and took on a mortal form. And when I found out about Bora there was nothing I could do. I couldn't return to the heavens until my mortal body died, and I had to give birth here. Now our daughter, can never leave this wretched world and she will have to walk among the Earth as an immortal."

He looks down, to avoid making eye contact with me. "I love you Hiryuu, and no matter how hard I try, I can't forgive you. I want to, so that I can show you that I'm not bad, but I can't. I can't forgive you for leaving us- for leaving me."

A tear slid down my cheek. Bora got down and hid behind my throne. "Hurry up and get this over with."

The men raised their swords up again but hesitated in doing what needed to be done. I grew angry and began to start to yell at them.

"Mother...?" My stomach dropped. Her voice was shaky.

I turned around to find a green haired man holding a knife to my daughter's throat.

I sat up abruptly, drenched in sweat. I grabbed at my chest in an attempt to catch my breath.

"Meissa? Are you okay?"

It was Soo-won. He sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder. He seemed tired.

I shake my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a bad dream."

He nods his head. "What was it about?"

I look at him. Was I allowed to tell him? I sigh. "It was about Hak. When he fell over..."

Soo-won tensed at that. "I told you to leave him in the past."

"I can't forget something like that Soo-won. Try and understand how I feel for once."

"I understand. I miss them too, but you came back and you're alive now. That's all that matters to me. If I had lost you, I wouldn't know what to do." He says, not making I contact with me.

We sit in silence for several moments then he looks up to me, his beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. "I love you, Meissa."

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