The Journey

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I found Hak digging through a pile of weapons. "So you're leaving?" I say as I lean against the door frame.

"I am."

"I heard you talk to Mun-deok. I'm going with you." I say as I pick up a bow and a quiver of arrows.

"I don't want you to come with me. If you must leave return to Soo-won."

"I've come to realize that Soo-won doesn't need me. You on the other hand will be killed on sight if you're caught, but if I'm with you not only will I protect you, I can keep you alive." I explain. "And besides, a good wife will follow her husband to the end of time."

He looks up to me with a smirk and hands me a sword. "You'll be needing this as well."

I take it and am instantly relaxed. I missed my sword.

After a long goodbye with Tea-yeon we were ready to leave. I could tell it was hard for Hak to abandon his home, but he was doing what he felt was right.

"Hak!" We both turn around and I roll my eyes. "I'm leaving here." She says.

The two of them argue over it and Hak eventually gives in so now Yona is coming with us.

"I'm not protecting you." I say bluntly to her when Hak agrees to let her come. "I'm here solely for Hak's sake. I could care less for you."

"Meissa." Hak says. His tone was one of warning.

"No, Hak. It's okay. She doesn't have to take care of me."

We were walking to find the Oracle, per Mun-deok's instruction. We were heading to the Northern forest which I honestly felt was a waste of time because there was nothing here. I don't see why anyone would live here.

Hak was explaining to Yona about how we would have to camp and that it was cold in the mountains then he started acting weird after her response. He threw down his weapon and bent down to get it.

I started to get a feeling that we were in danger and when he stood up he looked me in the eye to confirm my suspicions.

He pushes Yona against the cliff and makes her be quiet. "Footsteps? Forty... No, fifty."

I draw my bow and nock an arrow as I prepare myself to fight. We run forward until we see all of the troops. Archers were lined up and I didn't know exactly how Hak and I could take all of them on with Yona to worry about. Of course she could get shot and I wouldn't care.

The men all begin to charge down the side of the cliffs and I pull Yona behind me. "Stay out of his way, okay? I've got to go up, I can't shoot from here and there's not enough room for the both of us to fight."

She nods her head and I began to climb the side of the cliff. Tae-jun appeared and that gave me an even better opportunity to get away. Once I got to a ledge that was good enough, I aimed an arrow in his direction.

But a rain of arrows fell down upon Hak and Yona and I couldn't get my shot. Hak jumped on to a nearby ledge and started running off with Yona. I knew he was going to look for somewhere to hide Yona so I ran ahead that way I could catch up to them.

But as they were running Yona slipped on a broken arrow. She was right below me, but I was still too high to jump down without breaking anything, so I started to climb down. "Hak I've got her, run!" I yell. I only needed to climb down just a little bit more so I could jump.

But before I could an arrow was shot at Yona and Hak jumped in front of it.

"Hak!" I scream.

"Meissa, climb!" He yells as he pulls the arrow out his back, and I do so.

He grabs Yona and jumps up to the ledge that I was on and started running and I bolted after them.

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