Chapter Seven

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Chloe had been hiding something from Max. She had been given the chance to have a recording contract in America. Madison had been getting better so she was allowed home. Chloe had been sterelised. She didn't want anymore kids. Especially after Madison was so ill.

That morning, Chloe woke and she went to see if the house was clean for Madison coming home. Everything had to be perfect. What Chloe didn't know was that Charlotte was having a welcome home party for Madison's homecoming.

Max came downstairs. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, making sure everything is perfect for Madi," Chloe said. She saw Scarlett standing in the doorway. "Morning babycakes."
"Is Madi coming home today mummy?"
"Yeah sweetie. You're staying with nanny and grandad while mummy and daddy go and pick her up."
Chloe smiled. Although Scarlett was recovering, she was still weak. Her hair was slowly growing back.
Chloe and Max went to get Madi. Charlotte and Tom went to the Tyler house and got the party sorted.

Chloe and Max smiled as they saw Madi. Madi waved at them and giggled. Chloe cried with happiness.
Chloe held Madison for the first time. In that moment, she had forgotten about going to America. She had to convince Max to make the move.

Aubree was texting her boyfriend. Her parents hadn't met him yet and she didn't know if she wanted him to.

Chloe knew she would have to tell. Max about America soon.
They went home and Chloe smiled widely when she seen the small party. All the kids were there too.

Chloe hugged Charlotte. Charlotte smiled. TJ whined and tugged on Charlotte's leg. Charlotte lifted him up. He smiled and hugged Charlotte's neck.

TJ was clingy lately. He was a lot older now, but he hadn't acted much older.
"Is he okay?" Chloe asked. Charlotte shrugged and kissed his cheek. "Go on and join your sisters," Charlotte said.

Charlotte walked over to Chloe who held Madison. "Can I hold her?" Charlotte asked.
"Yeah," Chloe mumbled. She handed Madison over to Charlotte. "Go see Auntie Charlotte."
"Hi gorgeous girlie. Your mummy is so lucky having you," Charlotte mumbled to the tot. Madison was sleeping. She was tiny in her onesie. "She's the spitting image of Aubree."

Chloe got Madison to sleep upstairs. She smiled down at her and stroked her cheek. Max walked in. "She's beautiful isn't she?"
Max kissed her. Chloe wrapped her arms around his torso. "I love you Max."
"I love you too."
Chloe decided to tell Max about America. "Max, I've been offered a recording contract."
Max looked at her. "That's amazing babe."
"In America. I'm moving to America," Chloe said.
"We're not moving to America."
Chloe frowned.  "Why not? It's an amazing oppurtunity! I've been given a private plane," Chloe said.

Max walked downstairs. Chloe grabbed the baby monitor and followed him. "Why can't you do this for me? I do everything for you!"
"Its America Chloe! Why do you want to go?!"
Chloe noticed everyone looking. "I want to go because its giving me a chance to start a career in something I'm passionate about!"
"You can go but if you do then we're over," Max spat.
"Then I guess we're over and I'll be taking the kids with me," Chloe said.
Chloe went upstairs and packed all the stuff. Charlotte ran downstairs. She didn't want to lose Chloe either.

Chloe left with the kids and their stuff. Charlotte stormed to Max.
"Wise up! You love them!" Charlotte yelled.
"They don't want me. They're better without me."
"I don't think that Max. No one does. This is the last chance you will get to save this relationship," Charlotte said.

Max grabbed his car keys and ran to the car. Charlotte went with him while Tom minded their kids. They sped to the airport.
Chloe carried Madison's carseat onto the plane. Aubree held Scarlett's hand and she carried Grace. "Mum, are we ever coming back?" Aubree asked.
"I don't know sweetie."

Max sped to the airport. He saw Chloe's jet and he parked his car in front of it. He and Charlotte climbed out. The door opened and the pilot came out. "Excuse me sir, move your car," he said.
"No, I need to speak to her."
"She doesn't want to see anyone. We're about to take off."
"No!" Charlotte yelled. She stood in the way of the plane. Max joined her.

Chloe looked out and saw what was happening. She ran off the plane. The kids followed.

"What the hell?" Chloe asked.
"I love you. I was stupid. I never want to let you go again," Max said. Him and Chloe kissed passionately.

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