Chapter Fifty-Three

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Chloe could feel the blood dripping from her head. She was in pain. She knew she was trapped but also knew she needed to get the pupils out. "M-Mum."
"Emily, are you okay?" Chloe asked her daughter.
"N-No, my back hurts and I feel sick," Emily mumbled.

Max tried to ring Chloe but she wasn't answering. "Damn you Chloe," Max said.

Chloe heard ambulances and fire brigade on their way.
"The nice people are gonna help us," Chloe told Emily. Emily had passed out. "No stay with mummy!"
"Mrs Tyler?" some mumbled.
"I'm here. Everyone stay with me. There's people on their way to help us," Chloe said. She gripped Emily's hand.
"Sweetie wake up!" Chloe begged.

Max's phone rang. He paled as he heard what had happened to the mini bus. He ran to his car.

Chloe didn't hear the sirens anymore. She cried.
"Come on everyone, open the back doors!" Chloe said. She seen the door being opened. "Everyone out! Crawl if you have to but get out."
The pupils began to move out. Chloe and Emily were last out. The bus driver had died on impact. Chloe held Emily tightly. They moved away from the bus. Ambulances came speeding towards them. They pulled over as the minibus exploded. Chloe held Emily. Every pupil was okay. The paramedics ran over to them all.
"Help my daughter please," Chloe sobbed.
"Alright Mrs Tyler, we're gonna help her now," the paramedic said.

Emily was rushed to A&E. Chloe refused to be treated until she knew Emily was okay. "I'll let you take me to A&E as soon as I know she's okay!"
"Mrs Tyler, you have a head injury!"

Suddenly, the minibus exploded and Chloe fell back. She heard her ankle snap and screamed in pain. "Get her to A&E now. Don't listen to her refusals!" The main paramedic Ian yelled.

Chloe was taken in. She had plaster put on. Her head was fine but she needed to rest up.
"I need to see my little girl!" Chloe yelled. Max ran in.
"Where's Emmy?" Max asked.
"I don't know. I need to see her!" Chloe sobbed. Max held her hand. The doctor came over.
"Emily Tyler?" he asked them. They nodded.

Chloe and Max were taken to a room.
"She's awake and well," the doctors said. Chloe cried with happiness. "One problem."
"What?" Max asked. He stopped pushing Chloe in the wheelchair and gripped her hand.
"She's paralysed."
Chloe broke down crying. She looked at Max. "This is my fault. I suggested she come on the trip," Chloe sobbed.
"Shh. It's alright. We can do this," Max said.

They went inside and saw Emily. "I'm in a wheelchair," she sobbed.
"Shh. It's alright."

Chloe was allowed home. She was given crutches. The hospital wanted to begin physio on Emily as she wasn't permanently paralysed. They were keeping her in.

Isla was cuddled up with Charlotte. She was still shaken up after her attack. They hadn't been told about Emily yet.
"You're okay honey," Charlotte said. Isla just nodded. She cuddled into her. Charlotte held her close. The phone rang.

Chloe and Max watched as Emily did some physio.
"She's allowed home," the doctor said. "Here's a list of physio appointments. Because of your broken ankle, you can do the physio with her."
"Oh goodie for me."
Max smirked as he helped Emily into her wheelchair. "I'm twelve years old and I'm being picked up," Emily mumbled.
"It's only for now."
"It sucks!"

They arrived home and immediately, Aubree ran out. "E-Emmy?"
"I'm a freak Bee," Emily sobbed.
Aubree held Emily tightly. Emily cried. Aubree helped her inside.
"How about I do your hair?" Aubree said. Emily nodded.

Chloe was helped inside by Max.
"The driver was killed," Chloe mumbled.
"Shh sweetie," Max said.
"I-I yelled at him to slow down. He wouldn't though," Chloe sobbed.
"Don't worry. He wouldn't have been in any pain," Max said.

Charlotte brought Isla back. "Where's Emily?" She asked.
"Aubree's changing the other living room into a bedroom," Max said. He appreciated how much Aubree had stepped up the last few days. He knew she felt bad for what had happened.
"I'll help," Isla said. Chloe smiled.
"Good girl sweetie."

Isla went in. Aubree was about to leave.
"Don't leave. I know you didn't mean it," Isla said. Aubree held her tightly.
"I'm so sorry Isla," Aubree sobbed.

Emily called Aubree. Aubree took Isla with her. Aubree lifted Emily. Aubree ran her a bath. She sat Emily on the toilet lid and undressed her. Isla moved the wheelchair out of the way. Aubree set Emily in the bath. Emily smiled. As Aubree washed Emily and washed her har she thought about Arielle and how she should have been doing this with her.

Chloe cuddled into Max. "She will be okay won't she?"
"Of course."
Chloe cuddled into him. "Looks like I'm on top during sex," Max mumbled.
Max smirked. "Well you clearly can't do much so I'll be the pleasure giver," he said.

Emily had fallen asleep so Aubree helped her into bed. Aubree went into the living room. "Emmy's asleep."
"Is she alright?"
"Yeah," Aubree mumbled. She kept thinking about Arielle.
"Bee?" Isla asked. Aubree turned around. Isla showed her an empty packet of pills. Max looked at Isla.
"Did you take them?" he asked.
"No they were in the bathroom after Bee wheeled Emmy out," Isla said. Everyone realised what Emily had done.

Chloe rang an ambulance. Isla sat with her. Aubree and Max ran upstairs. Emily was frothing at the mouth and fitting. Luckily the hospital was close by. The paramedics ran in as Max was trying to calm Emily down. The paramedics asked Max and Aubree to leave.

Chloe sat with Emily. "I don't want this anymore," Emily sobbed.
"Shh. I'm here baby."

Max went back into the room. "She's my daughter and I'm allowed to be here."
"Let him stay," Chloe mumbled.

Emily was being examined. "I want to die!" She screamed.
Chloe burst out crying. Chloe shook her head.
"Maybe you could spend the night with Tails? Just to give Emmy some space?" Max suggested. Chloe knew what he was doing - trying to show Emily they thought she was big enough to manage most things herself.

Aubree sat with Emily while Chloe and Max discussed it.
"You know, auntie Charlotte used to feel like that," Aubree said.
"Did she?"
"Yeah. She didn't want to be here either. She kept trying and trying. But look at how amazing she is now," Aubree said.
"Did you ever feel like that?" Emily asked.
Aubree swallowed hard. "Once. It was when Tails and I were a couple. Daddy and Uncle Tom wouldn't let us be together. We made a suicide pact. I backed out but Tails didn't. I got scared. Mummy and Auntie Charlotte stopped her."
Emily nodded. "I want to see mum."

Chloe walked in and saw her two girl. "Is everything alright?"
"Don't go," Emily sobbed.
Chloe held her daughter. "I'm not going anywhere," she told her.
"I-I feel so bad for shouting at you," Emily sobbed. She wrapped her arms around Chloe.
"We just wanna give you some independence. The doctors said with physio and some help you'll be back to normal," Chloe said. Emily nodded.
"Will you sleep with me tonight?" Emily sniffed. Chloe dried her eyes.
"Of course honey. Let Mummy get changed for bed," Chloe said. Max brought in Chloe's pyjamas which she rarely wore.

Max and Aubree helped Chloe. She thanked them and climbed into bed with Emily. Emily smiled and cuddled into her mum. "I'm going to get better mummy. I promise," Emily mumbled. She was determined to get herself better. No matter what it took. She was going to make her mum proud of her.

A/N - So I'm adding one more chapter onto this. So it will be ending on 56

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