Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Tom was in shock. He couldn't believe what Aubree had just told him. "She's mine?" He asked.
"Yes. She's yours Tom. We had sex seven months ago," Aubree told him. She knew he wouldn't believe her. "I'm not lying."
Tom shook his head. "You have to be lying. There's no way she's my kid."
Aubree rolled her eyes. "I'm not lying! You and I had sex a few months ago. I'm carrying your baby. Her name is Arielle and she's going to be adopted when she's born," she said.

Chloe was sitting alone. She wanted to see Max but no doubt he was busy. "Too busy for his wife," she mumbled. She rubbed her bump but she knew her baby was going to be small. "You need to grow baby. So mummy can give you lots of cuddles."
Chloe looked up to see Charlotte.
"Hey," Chloe said. Charlotte sat down with Chloe. They cuddled.
"Aubree told Tom. Tom wouldn't believe her until I told him it was true," Charlotte told her.
Chloe sighed. "Mummy and daughter both pregnant."

Tom was shocked. He sat at his desk. He thought he had messed up badly. He began to cry. Taitlyn walked past and seen him.
"You're having a sister aren't you?"
Taitlyn sighed. "Bee told you?"
Tom nodded. "Yeah. She's giving her up for adoption."

Chloe wiped her eyes. "I went wrong with Bee didn't I? When she was younger, she got hurt by Max and I arguing. Then he hit me," Chloe sobbed.
Charlotte held Chloe tightly. She hated to see her best friend in this position.

Aubree and Taitlyn were talking. Aubree could tell Taitlyn was annoyed at her giving Arielle away.
"I'm not angry Bee," Taitlyn said.
"I'm not. I just don't understand why you want to give her away."
Aubree sighed. "I just want her to have a better life than what she would have had with me."
Taitlyn sighed. "She'll be okay with you."
"You're just like my parents. Always trying to get me to keep her," Aubree mumbled.
Taitlyn sighed again. "Don't regret it."

*The Next Morning*

Chloe went to the staffroom for the morning meeting. She was wearing a white body suit with black thigh boots. "Looking good muma mia," Charlotte commented.
"Shame my so called husband hasn't noticed."
Charlotte hugged Chloe and gave her a cup of tea as she couldn't drink caffeine due to being pregnant.

Chloe and Charlotte were talking about Aubree.
"I just... I don't know what to do with her. I know she wants to keep the baby but she won't admit it," Chloe said.
"Maybe tell her that then," Charlotte said.
"She wants what's best for the baby. She knows the parents will go insane if she backs out."

Max was working on the new intake. He needed Chloe as she had a system for it. "Damn it."
Max knew Chloe wouldn't go running to him. She had been shutting herself off from him.
Max got up and went to the staff room. He seen Charlotte and Chloe talking.
"Chloe, baby, could you help me with this new intake?" Max asked. Chloe sat there and took five minutes to finish her tea.
"Okay," she said. Charlotte washed the cups as Max and Chloe left.

Tom was wanting to keep his baby girl. He couldn't believe Aubree was giving her away. He knew he had messed up. Tom went to see Aubree. "Let Charlotte and me raise the baby."
Tom nodded. "That way you get to see her and we'll have the baby we want," he said.
Aubree shook her head. "I-I can't. No one I know is having her."

Chloe helped Max. "It's simple. The ones you've enrolled already in this pile. The ones pending in this pile and the new ones in the pile. Can your  brain remember that?" Chloe asked.
"No," Max admitted. Chloe rolled her eyes and began to help him. Max was so in love with her.

Aubree and Tom were arguing. Taitlyn and Charlotte heard ad ran to them.
"He wants you two to raise the baby," Aubree said to charlotte.
Charlotte sighed and looked at Tom.
"I have a right to make the decision too!" Tom said.
"No! This baby is going up for adoption! I don't want her!" She screamed.
"I do want her! You won't even need to see her. Charlotte and I will be raising her."
"NO!" Aubree screamed.

Chloe had explained the system to Max again. "I thought you were supposedly intelligent," she mumbled.
"I need my gorgeous PA back," Max said. He knew Chloe was working two jobs.
Aubree walked off. Charlotte glared at him. Tom sighed and walked after her.

Chloe and Max were having a heart to heart. Chloe hated being angry at him. But she wanted to be with him again.
"I still love you Chloe. I'm sorry," Max said.
"I love you too."
Max kissed her passionately. "I promise that I will make you happy."
Max nodded and kissed her again. "You're amazing to me. We're renewing our wedding vows."
Chloe's eyes widened. "I'd love to."

Aubree cried in the bathrooms. She didn't want anyone she was close to adopting her baby. "I'm sorry sweetie. Mummy can't keep you," Aubree sobbed to her bump.
"Bee, it's tails."
Aubree opened the door and ran to Taitlyn. Taitlyn held her tightly. Aubree cried into her.

Max and Chloe began organising their new wedding vows. They were writing their own.
"Let me have a peek!" Chloe said. Max pouted and held it close to his chest.
Chloe giggled and wrestled with him. "I'll show you mine."
Chloe grinned and she straddled him. "I do love you, you know."
"I know."
Chloe rolled her eyes. She kissed him.

Tom went to see Charlotte. "Please. Let's adopt the baby. I can't handle seeing a baby of mine in care."
"Tom, Aubree made the decision before you were well enough," Charlotte said. Tom cried hard. Charlotte sat him down and held him.

Taitlyn and Aubree were talking.
"I want her. I can't have her," Aubree sobbed. Taitlyn held her tightly.
"It's okay sweetie.
"She has to have a better life than what I can give her."
Taityn went to find Charlotte.

Chloe cuddled into Max. "When is the church being booked?"
Chloe grinned. "Are we really doing this?" She asked.
Max nodded. "Yes. We are. I want to prove my love for you is real."
Chloe and Max made out. They cuddled up again. Taitlyn went in.
"Bee needs you two," she said.

Chloe and Max ran to where Bee was in the library. They held her tightly. She cried into them.
"What's wrong sweetie?"
"I'm stupid!"
Chloe held her close. She felt her heart break for her daughter. "It'll be alright sweetie. I promise."

Tom wasn't giving up on the idea of having Arielle live with him. She was his baby girl too. He wanted her. "Charlotte. Convince Aubree we can do this. We can adopt Ari."
"I don't know Tom. It would make us happy but think of Aubree," Charlotte said.
Tom knew one way to get around this. To love Aubree as more than a niece. He was determined to do it whether anyone liked it or not. He wanted his baby girl.

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