Chapter Twenty Two

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Chloe was getting better. She had been trying her hardest. Nothing seemed to work however. Scarlett was scared of her.

Aubree was struggling with being pregnant. She didn't want the baby but she knew Mark did.

Aubree woke that morning and heard giggling coming from her parents rooms. She needed to cuddle up with her mum like she used to. She climbed out of bed and went to her parents room.

Chloe and Max pulled apart. Chloe smiled at Aubree. Chloe got out of bed. She was in her underwear. Aubree crawled in beside her dad and Chloe climbed in too. They all cuddled.

Taitlyn woke and smiled at Luke. He was in his small bed across the landing in his room. Taitlyn left the door open to keep an eye on him.
"He's fine baby," Mike said. He rubbed Taitlyn's stomach. Taitlyn smiled. She didn't know if she was ready for another baby.

Aubree rested her head on her mum's shoulder. "What's wrong with you?"
"I'm what's wrong aren't I? No one gives a crap."
"What's brought this on babes?"
Aubree wiped her tears. "I don't think I want this baby," she sobbed.

Rosie woke up screaming so Max got his boxers on and walked over. "Aubree, you come and look after her. It will give you practice."
Aubree stormed out. "Max you won't listen!" Chloe said. She ran after Aubree. Max held Rosie tightly.
"You're a beautiful little girl," Max said. He kissed Rosie's head.

Taitlyn got up and rubbed her bump. She hated the fact that she got pregnant.

Mike got into the shower and spotted a lump. He didn't know what to do.
"T-Taitlyn," Mike called. Taitlyn came in. Mike got out of the shower and took off his towel. Taitlyn gasped.

Aubree was sitting in the park. She heard a branch snap behind her. Aubree turned to see Richard. "Think you're clever? Getting me sentenced?!"
"L-Leave me alone!"
"No chance."

Richard dragged Aubree into the woodland area of the park and began beating her. She could feel the blood dripping down her face.

Chloe tried to find Aubree. She dialled Max's number. Chloe walked around the park. Max joined her. They heard a scream and ran to it. Max grabbed Richard and threw him to the floor. He beat him up. Chloe took her little girl in her arms. Aubree was badly beaten. Max rang an ambulance and the police.

Chloe saw the blood dripping between Aubree's legs.
"Max," Chloe said as she cried. Max looked over and noticed. He swallowed hard. He didn't want Aubree to go through a miscarriage.

Mike was distant. He made a hospital appointment. Luke toddled over to him and put his arms up. Mike lifted him and held him tightly.

Aubree cried into her mum. "I want my baby mummy," she sobbed.
"Shh sweetie. Its going to be alright."
Aubree was in tears. "It really hurts mum!"

The ambulance arrived and so Chloe went with her. Max was going to tell Charlotte. She knew Aubree was close to her aunt.

Charlotte arrived at the Hospital. "Chloe?"
"She lost her baby. He beat the baby out of her," Chloe told her.
Charlotte and Chloe held each other. They tried not cry. They saw Aubree curled in a ball. Chloe and Charlotte sat on the bed. Aubree didn't look at them.

Taitlyn gave Luke and Mike breakfast.
"Aubree's lost the baby," Taitlyn said. Mike nodded. Taitlyn sighed. "Maybe we should visit her."
"Mike it's a lump! Stop acting like its the end of the damn world!" Taitlyn yelled.
"You don't know what it's like!" Mike yelled.
"Yes I damn well do!" Taitlyn screamed. She grabbed Luke and drove to the hospital.

*Four Weeks Later*

Aubree hadn't gotten out of bed in four weeks. She hadn't done anything. Chloe and Max were worrying about her.

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