Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chloe had been packing up her stuff. She was leaving. She knew Max wouldn't mind as he was focusing on making sure Tom was happy. She didn't matter.

That morning, Chloe watched Max as he slept. She would miss him so much but it had to be done. She walked over his side of the bed and kissed him. "I love you. Always remember that," she whispered. She checked on the kids before she left.

Chloe drove to London. She had rented an apartment there so she could have the baby. It was nice enough and she would decorate  it so it was suitable enough for the baby. She would text Max a picture of the baby when she had been born. The DNA test revealed that Max was in fact the father.

Max woke and saw that Chloe wasn't there. He frowned and searched the whole house. "Aubree. Where's your mum?" He asked his eldest daughter.
"I don't know. She's in bed isn't she?"
Aubree frowned. She didn't want to believe that her mum had gone.

Chloe had gotten a dozen texts from Aubree and Max. She so badly wanted to reply but she knew Max would be able to track her. "Don't worry sweetie. Its just you and I," she whispered to her baby bump. She didn't want to be alone but she knew Max needed to help other people.

Aubree was in tears. She wanted her mum back. "Make her come back," she pleaded with her dad. "Please daddy. I need her."
"I'm trying Bee."
"Try harder please daddy! I need her," Aubree sobbed.
Max held Aubree tightly. Aubree cried into him.

Tom and Taitlyn were recovering. No one had been to see them in weeks
"Tails sweetie wake up," Tom said. Tom had almost fully recovered. Taitlyn was a different story.
"Baby go to sleep. Mummy will help you in a minute," Taitlyn said. Tom felt his heart break.

Aubree sat upstairs. She was getting bigger now. She was worried she would now have to do it alone.
"You promised me you would be here and help me through mummy. You lied!" Aubree cried.
Chloe sat alone in her flat. She was missing her family. She was especially missing Max. She wanted to feel his touch.

Max had tried ringing everyone but he couldn't find where Chloe had gone. It was annoying him so much. He wanted his wife back. She was pregnant and possibly going through a breakdown. Aubree walked. "Mummy is a lying slag!" Aubree screamed.
"Excuse me?" Max said.
"She promised she would help me with this baby," Aubree yelled. Isla ran out.
"Bee help me with my project?" Isla asked. Aubree shoved Isla over.

Max couldn't believe what his daughter was doing.
"Aubree go and calm down!" Max yelled. Aubree stormed upstairs. Max helped Isla up.
"Daddy will help," Max told Isla.
"Thanks daddy. Where's mum gone?"
"I don't know sweetie."
Isla sighed. "Will she come back?"
"I hope so."

Aubree got her phone and text Chloe -
'You lied to me! Some mum you are! - A'

After she sent the text, she broke down crying. "Come back mummy. I need you."

Max had told Eddie about Chloe disappearing. He was coming over. "Grandad is coming."
Max heard Aubree breaking things.  Max sped up the stairs. He held Aubree down. Aubree cried herself to sleep. Max sighed. He lifted her gently and laid her on the bed. Eddie ran upstairs and helped Max clear up.

Isla went upstairs an hour later. Aubree had a knife and pointed it at her stomach.
"Daddy! Grandad!" Isla screamed.
Max ran in. "Aubree. Don't."
"I want my mummy back or else this baby and I will die!" Aubree screamed.

Chloe wanted to go home but she couldn't. She wasn't feeling loved. "Sorry Bee," she mumbled when she saw the text message.

Max walked over to Aubree. "Give daddy the knife. Don't punish your baby because of your mum," he said.
"She's a slag who left me," Aubree sobbed.
Max started to cry. "I can't lose you."
"Daddy I'm sorry."
"Bee just give daddy the knife."
Aubree handed it over. Isla ran to Aubree.

Eddie text Chloe saying what Aubree had just done. He couldn't believe Chloe was leaving her kids in this state.
Chloe realised what she had done. Aubree had broken down and it was her fault. "I'm sorry Bee."

Aubree held her sister close to her. She needed a hug from someone who loved her. "Where's mummy?"
It was Grace. "BeeBee, where mummy?"
"We don't know."
Grace began crying. She wanted her mummy.

Chloe didn't know what to do anymore. She had a lot of hateful messages from everyone. If she went home, then she risked no one caring for her

That was when Max sent her a text.
"Tom has fully recovered. Tails is struggling. She wants you. No more helping Tom now - Mxx"
Chloe packed up her stuff and shoved it into her car. She drove back home.

Max looked at all his girls in Aubree's room. Eddie went in with Max.
"You lot okay?" Eddie asked. They shrugged. Grace toddled over to Max. Max held her tightly.
"Thanks for telling me about Tails and Tom," Max said. Eddie smiled.
Chloe drove back home. She was renting her flat out. She wasn't getting involved in anyone's drama. Her family needed her. No one else.

Aubree was lying on the sofa. She wanted her mum back so badly. "Come back mummy."

Chloe was driving home. She needed her Bee.

Isla was sitting outside. She saw Chloe pulling up. "Mummy!" She screamed.
Aubree heard and got up. She got a pain in her stomach. Chloe ran in and held Aubree. Aubree told her mum about her stomach pain.

Max ran in when Isla told him Chloe was back. Chloe smiled at Max.
"I had to come back for all of my kids and you," Chloe said. Max smiled.
Aubree cried into her mum. "You're not in labour sweetie. Its too soon."
"What's happening then?"
"Just the baby making sure she knows you're still here."

Aubree went inside with her mum. "Thank you for coming back mummy," she sobbed.
"Shh Bee. I couldn't leave you."

Aubree had fallen asleep with her mum. She was glad to have her back as she knew she was going to struggle with giving Arielle up for adoption. It was going to tear her apart.

A/N - Arielle is going to be born soon. She'll be in a couple of chapters before Aubree gives her up.

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