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Back at home, Ron and I try to explain to mum why she needs to leave with us. "But I thought the whole idea of your father going from the Ministry was so that they wouldn't find out where we live?" she asks. "Yes mum, but then we realized that if the Death Eaters, or whatever they are, are threatening us, or me, then they will know where to find me. Whether it is at my apartment or here. They may very well already know where you live." I reply. "Please Mrs. Granger, it's for your own safety. Mr. Shacklebolt has organized for you, Mr, Granger, Hermione and Draco to stay at the Leaky Cauldron, with security, for a little while until we are one hundred and ten percent certain that we have rounded up everyone involved." Says Ron. "But why can't they bring security here?" she questions. I'm anxious and worried that I am going to snap at my mother. Trying my absolute best to keep my cool I reply, "Because mum, we can't have Aurors and Death Eaters running around a muggle street."

It all seems to make sense for her now. "Alright then, just let me pack some bags for your father and I. I won't be long." Says mum. "Please don't be long, we don't really know how long it will take dad to get Draco." I call after her.

"Aren't you going to help her?" asks Ron. "I've already got a bag packed for her, I don't really fancy going through dad's underwear drawer." I reply with a chuckle. "I suppose you don't then." Replies a grinning Ron. I wander around the living room, checking out the window making sure that nobody is watching, or trying to get in.

"You know it's all going to be okay, Hermione. Your dad can do it." Says Ron. He has noticed my fidgeting, and having known me for almost half my life, he really knows me. "That's not what is worrying me. I don't doubt he can do it, he wouldn't volunteer if he didn't think he could do it, just like we wouldn't send him if we thought so." I reply.

"Then what is it?" he asks. I walk back to face him. "What if after all of this, it's not the end? What if the Death Eaters are actually reforming? We'll be back to watching our backs, running, not living our lives."

"Hermione, even if the Death Eaters are reforming, they don't have Voldemort. We've been through this so many times since the battle ended. If the Death Eaters reform, they aren't, they never were, invincible. That was Voldemort. He is gone, we are stronger and we have more people now. And sure enough, there may be a bit of work ahead of this, but it's nothing you or I, or Harry can't handle. Not to mention we have the whole Ministry and countless others behind us." Ron finishes and pulls me in for a hug. "Don't be worrying 'Mione, Draco and your dad are coming home, very soon. Everything will be fine."

I know what Ron is right, we are stronger, they aren't invincible, but I haven't mentioned the part that has me most worried. What if Draco returns home, and doesn't want to be on the good side anymore? We fought so hard in our last year at Hogwarts to prove to everyone that he had changed, and eventually they accepted him. What if after all this time away from the good, and with the bad, he just found it easier to forget it all? To forget me?

Mum comes into the room then, pausing when she sees Ron and I hugging. "Is everything alright? Your father?" asks mum, clearly panic stricken. I rush to her. "No, mum, no everything is fine." I reassure her. "Hermione is just worried about what will happen once Mr. Granger and Draco return home." Adds Ron.

"Hermione dear, don't be worrying, Draco still loves you, I know you can feel it. I've never seen anybody look at another person the way you both looked at each other. You'll have him home soon, and everything will be fine." Mother seems to know what I am thinking, I am assuming it is because she mirrors my worries, she is worried about dad. I look at her and say, "They will both be home soon." She smiles at me and I gesture towards the living room door.

I recently put a non apparating spell around mum and dad's house, so that nobody, not even I can surprise them by popping into the living room. So, as dad and I done this morning, mum, Ron and I will apparate to the Ministry from the alley nearby.

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