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Draco's Perspective

Hermione's agreed to Christmas with mother and Nysa. To be honest, she seemed quite pissed with me because I hadn't told her about the letter. Nevertheless, she's quite an amazing girl. Not many could go through what she has been through and not be judgemental or defensive. Knowing myself, I know I couldn't come back from what she has and then face this mess. But she has, she's accepted everything and she's working hard to get through it. And so here we are. It's the day before Christmas Eve and with the castle practically empty for the holidays, McGonagall had no objections to mother and Nysa, Harry and Ginny spending the few days here. Of course mother wasn't completely pleased. She would have preferred we spend it at her place, just her, Nysa, Hermione and me. I on the other hand, I'm quite happy how we are spending it under the circumstances. Hermione is surrounded by some of the people who care for her most in the world, aside from her parents of course. And though mother still isn't in her extremely good books yet, it is a step forward.

Mother and Nysa haven't arrived yet. They arrive in the morning but Harry and Ginny have been here since this morning. Hermione perked up a bit once they arrived. She's been a little off, understandably, the past week or so. Disappearing for hours and turning up looking dishevelled and exhausted. All she will tell me is that she is researching things. And fair enough, I know she is, but 5 or 6 hours per day? It can't be right, however I'm afraid to pry. I may have been gone for a year, and she may be happy to have me here with her, but I don't think she will be too happy if she finds me snooping through her things, or bothering her about what she is up to. But can I actually just sit there and watch her drive herself insane, make herself ill? Hell no.

"Harry, come over here for a second would ya?" I call to Harry. Harry removes himself from the clutches of his fiancée and makes his way over to me. "Everything alright?" Harry asks. I steer him towards the door, and call to Hermione, "Told Neville we'd grab a glass of firewhiskey in his quarters, we'll leave you two to catch up." Hermione nods and returns to her conversation with Ginny.

"Are we actually going to Neville's?" asks Harry as we walk down the corridor. "Yeah we are, though I lied about the whole firewhiskey part. Listen, for weeks now Hermione has been disappearing every day for hours at a time. Each time she returns it's as though she has been up all night long or just been woken up or something. She won't open up to me, she just keeps saying she is researching ways to get out of this kind of contract in the library. Funny thing is, whenever I go to the library, I can't find her. The odd time I do, but mostly not. I'm worried about her. I don't know why she is being like this. She knows she can tell me anything."

By now we have reached the third floor. "Well, maybe she goes to different teachers. I mean, she could be at Hagrid's some of the time. He's always been one to talk to when in bother. Or McGonagall, or Slughorn. I mean, she's going through hell all over again. Listen, when you disappeared she wasn't the same. When she started back at work she came in looking awful. This is just as bad as then. Maybe even a bit worse. It's both her parents. Do you think maybe she is having trouble sleeping at night?"

"Well maybe. But if she was do you not think she would tell me?" I reply. Harry shakes his head, "I dunno, maybe she doesn't want to be worrying you."

I shrug my shoulders, "I suppose, but her keeping things from me is making me worry. At least if I know it is lack of sleep I could help her."

"Draco mate, believe me, even the chosen one does not understand how women work."

I snigger in response. "So why are we here anyway?" asks Harry as we reach the door to Neville's room. "For some reason, I think Neville knows something about what is going on with Hermione." I reply. "Why would Neville know what's wrong with her?" asks a puzzled Harry. "I don't know. It's just, every time Hermione emerges looking dishevelled and worn out, Neville is with her or close by." I reply. Harry's jaw drops. "Draco, you don't actually think that-that Hermione and Neville. I mean Neville? They wouldn't, they couldn't!" stammers Harry. "What are you on? Of course I wasn't thinking that!" I snap. "Wasn't? Does that imply that you now think that it is a possibility?" he asks curiously and somewhat taken aback. "Of course I don't think Hermione and Neville are having an affair!" I hiss. "Alright mate, calm down. It just sounded that way." Thinking back on it, I did seem to imply that that was what I was worried about. It's not that I don't think Neville is an attractive guy, he's really grown into himself, and a lot of the fifth and sixth year girls seem to have taken a shine to him, but I trust Hermione. And I trust him too.

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