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I dread asking mother to arrange things with this vile evil woman, but what can I do? Hermione said that it was a decision that the two of us must make together, but in reality, it isn't my decision at all. It's Hermione's. It's her parent's lives at risk, it's her own body that will birth our child. A child that we have decided will not grow and bond with its rightful parents. As much as it pains me, I cannot be selfish. Hermione's parents were there for her when I could not be. She needs them and so this is what we must do.

"Hermione, Draco, are you sure this is what you want to do? I mean, if nobody remembers this damned contract, then what happens when you do have a child and this woman comes to take it? How does anybody explain that?" asks Ginny later in the evening. "You just can't-." "Ginny, please! I don't know alright? I don't know what will happen, it isn't something I have been planning for! But there is no other way. Nothing anyone says to me will change my mind. Now can we please just drop the subject? I just want to forget everything for even a little while! Narcissa arrives tomorrow morning and things will be settled then." Hermione snaps at Ginny. Ginny, turning a shade of red mumbles, "I'm sorry." before getting up and leaving the room. Harry follows after her. Neville also a deep shade of red busies himself in the kitchen pouring glasses of firewhiskey.

I sit next to Hermione and pull her close to me. "Hermione, she's only worried about you. We all are." A tear has escaped from her eye, "I know that Draco. I know, but does she think that I haven't already pondered all of these questions? Of course I have! I've spent so much time researching, in the library, with McGonagall, and nothing else can be found. It's the only way. I don't know what will happen or how we will cope with the loss of a baby, but all I can think of is that we obliviate him or her from our minds. From everybody's minds, then it will be as if it never existed." She bursts into tears. I pull her closer to me.

"I know, I know. Hermione, look at me." I pull her face up to meet mine and wipe away her tears. "I want you to be completely and utterly certain that this is what you want to do." She stares at me, "Of course I don't. Do you?" I sigh, "You know I don't, but I'm not going to make that decision. It's your parent's lives at risk, not mine. It's your body, you'll be the one who births the child."

She sits up and wipes her face clear of tears. "Draco, it might be my parents and my body, but any child I give birth to will be your child too. It isn't just my decision, it's yours too. And I want you to be sure, I can't do something that will hurt you."

"Of course it's going to hurt, but Hermione, it's the only way." "If only there was some sort of way to agree to the damned contract, but not go through with it." "You mean like a loophole?" Neville asks as he stands in the door way between the main room and kitchen. Harry and Ginny re-enter the room too. "Draco, what were the terms of the contract again?" asks Harry as he and a red, puffy eyed Ginny take their seats across from the two.

"In order to have Hermione's parents safely returned, we have to sign a contract agreeing to give her our first-born child. Upon signing the contract, we and anybody else who knows about it will be obliviated. None of us will remember, therefore we won't be stinted from ever having a child. We'll have the child but we won't remember the contract."

"Is it like the unbreakable vow? I mean with that if the person doesn't keep their vow, well they-." "Die, yes I know. Snape made one with my mother in case I couldn't follow through with my orders didn't he?" I interrupt Harry. "Sorry mate, I know you don't like things from back then to be brought up, but if we are to even try find a loophole, we need to consider every possibility. I wave it off, "I know, its fine."

"Wait, go back a couple of paces, you mentioned death, I mean with the unbreakable vow?" Neville almost shouts, sitting on the edge of his seat as though he has had an idea. We all look to him for answers. "Okay well I haven't got it all figured out, but with any contract if the person who signs it were to die, then it would be void wouldn't it?" "Where are you going with this Neville?" asks Harry. "I think I know where he's going with it!" pipes up Ginny. "It's rather genius, but I doubt that either of you would be happy." she adds looking at Hermione and I.

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