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Harry's perspective

It's been three days since Hermione and Draco left for Hogwarts. In some strange way I envy them, though I know it isn't exactly a holiday for them. Hermione is trying to be strong, but the day she found that her parents were gone I knew that deep down she isn't. As odd as it still sounds for me, Draco has been through hell. The poor git had to endure enough in our 7th year, I first hand that it wasn't easy to accept him, and thinking back on it now I feel guilty about that. He proved himself to me and Ron and countless others. To have his on mother kidnap him, I can't imagine how that must feel, his father was nothing but a git, but every man needs their mum, I know that all too well.

I suppose the real reason that I envy them is because I've always seen Hogwarts as my home. Growing up as an unloved orphan, it was such a relief when I found out that I was in fact a wizard, that I would be leaving the Dursley's for the best part of the year. During those years I found friendship, family, love and acceptance. And it's because of all those newfound things that I am determined to take Narcissa and whatever idiots she has doing her dirty work down. We've spent too long running from those people, and I certainly don't plan to spend my life looking over my shoulder and I know that my friends don't wish to spend theirs that way either.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger, although I never spent as much time with them as I did with the Weasley family, they've become part of our family unit. They're Hermione's parents, so they are our family.

As I sit and think about the past years, Ginny emerges into our kitchen. She has been my rock these past years, for I wonder where I would be without her.

"Morning, love." She greets as she sets about to brew some coffee. "Morning." I reply. Just as we sit down to our breakfast together, something that we always make time to do, the screeching of an owl can be heard by the window.

I jump up from my seat and open the window to let the owl in. Taking the letter and feeding the owl some treats, I look at the handwriting on the front of the envelope. It's Hermione's elegant writing.

"It's from Hermione." I say to Ginny as I re-join her at the table. She scoots over so she can read the letter too.

Dear Harry and Ginny,

I've only just realized that I never got to thank you before we left the other night. I didn't want to disturb you both, you have both given up too much already for me, and I honestly don't know where I would be without you. And Ron too, but I am writing a letter to him anyway.

Anyway, thank you both so much. I feel so bad being away here at Hogwarts while all of this is going on, I'd much rather be out looking and helping like I always have. And I know, I've been told a thousand times by Shacklebolt, McGonagall and Draco, it is for my safety. But I cannot for life of me think why these people would be after me? Cissa and I got on very well from the start, despite what I had been put through, and then she spared your life at the battle Harry, why would she do that if she was so cold hearted?

Draco is recovering well enough, he thinks that he should be fully healed by next week. You should see the room that McGonagall has set up for us, it's the Room of Requirement and she has it sealed from anybody else. There is even a kitchen!

It is so weird being here without you guys, there are a few familiar faces, but we have been keeping to ourselves. Simon has been put in an old classroom a few feet down from us. He checks in every hour. A bit annoying really, but I guess he is just doing his job.

Anyway, I should get breakfast ready, Draco has cooked for me every day since we've gotten here and I really want to repay him. He has been too good to me, it should be me that does everything I can for him. He is the one who has been through hell after all.

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