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So this is rather longer than usual. Not sure that this is my best writing, having a little bit of writers block as well as exams to prepare for so I apologize if it isn't the best. I also apologize if the next update take a while longer. I have exams in one month so it may or may not be til after then.

I want to thank all my readers for giving my stories a chance, they aren't the best but I have enjoyed writing them.

Keep reading and voting and all feedback is welcome :)


Hermione's Perspective

In some ways, it is a relief knowing that Narcissa isn't behind this mess, but in others, it makes me feel worse. We know who the person is, and what they want. But can we actually give them what they want? I know my parents would never let me make a sacrifice like that, one that would ruin my whole life. It sounds selfish, but I'm not sure I would be able to make that sacrifice. I'm not a mother, but I do know that a bond between a mother and her child is the strongest you can get. How could I go against something like that? Then of course, if I don't, what happens to my parents? This is the same thought that has been circling through my mind for the past three days.

"Hermione?" I turn to face Draco in our bed. It's 4am, and neither of us seem to have slept a wink.

"Yes?" I reply.

He lays on his side so that we are face to face. "I never told you before, but I what I said, about my task, I haven't slept more than a few hours per night since. And even if I do sleep, it's full of nightmares. They consist of memories of what I'd done, and-well, and of you."

"You mean of what would have happened to me if you hadn't completed the task?" I conclude.

He nods, "Yes. It scares me so much. I find myself keeping myself awake so that I can keep watch on you, as cheesy as it sounds, to make sure nobody takes you."

I pull myself closer to him. "Draco, you did what you had to. You just need closure. And in regards to the nightmares about me, you don't have to worry. You know I can fight, I know nobody will get near me here. And so do you." I snuggle close to him and he wraps his arms around me. "I know, but you are all I have, and I love you." I sigh, "That's not true Draco you have lots of people, if you didn't, do you think they would have spent the longest hours searching for you? Plus, you now have a twin sister to get to know." I reply.

"Don't remind me, it just reminds me of this whole mess we're in."

"She's your sister Draco, your legitimate sister. Surely you must a bit curious about who she is? Don't you want to learn about what kind of person she is?"

"Yes, I suppose I do. But first, I'd rather get your parents back without having to give away our first born child. I mean what kind of psychopath makes a person promise to hand over a child that doesn't even exist yet? What the bloody hell is wrong with going to an orphanage? Too mainstream is it?" he replies.

Feeling like a total girl who has a crush on a boy, hearing him say our first born child gives me butterflies. Of course, it would be even better if we weren't running the risk of having to give that future child away.

"I've been thinking. I know Shacklebolt has his Aurors all over it, but Draco I want to talk to Harry, Ron and Ginny about this. I mean, Arteria is related to the Blacks, perhaps Andromeda knows something about her? And then Harry and Ron have been there from the beginning, they looked for you, I can't keep them in the dark much longer." I say. Draco has been reluctant to mention anything that was discussed with Narcissa, despite receiving two letters per day from Harry, Ron and Ginny, he doesn't want anybody knowing what his family had been a part of when he was only an infant.

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