Chapter 14 (Part 2) - Chasing Death

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  • Dedicated to Domonic - The Man I Love!

So guys, sorry i havent updated in ages. I'll admit, at first the only reason that I wasnt updating was because being 18, I had to start paying my way in my mums house so i got a full time job. Then in february I moved into a house with some friends so that meant working longer to pay bigger bills. I started managing time well but then something big and upsetting happened. My boyfriend went into the army. Now anyone who has been through the same thing, I now understand how difficult it is. I never saw myself being with someone in the army but when he left, I was distraught and I've cried every day since he left :( Though we're still together, the fact that hes not here and i cant just speak to him whenever i want breaks my heart. Didnt know heart ache existed before now because before him i never was with someone i cared enough about to hurt this much when we broke up or they left etc... Right now im going through a bit of a difficult stage because the 2 girls i live with both are in relationships, new relationships compared to mine and watching them 24/7 being happy and lovey dovey really gets to me. I know you probably werent expecting a diary entry sort of paragraph at the beginning but what im trying to say that im really jealous of anyone around me in a relationship at the moment because me and my other half are constantly apart and the fact that im writing a romance makes it difficult to write and it seemed easier to just stay away from writing for a while. Fingers crossed this gets easier :)


My dress is covered in clay. My hands are definitely not the colour of skin anymore. My hair has so many pieces of clumped up dry clay in it that if i tried to brush it, my hair would get pulled out, not the clay. Yet I was still having a great time. "Ahhhhhhh!! It went in my mouth!" I ran over to a sink nearby and spat to try remove the horrid taste from my mouth.

"Are you this messy at eating too? Im not sure if its safe to ever invite you to dinner now." Niall was joking about my lack of control when trying to make a decent shape with the clay whilst it span. "Some women clearly can't multitask!" He sniggered.

I shoot him a very sour look and begin to try wash the clay from my hands. "Im done with this stupid clay, its got a mind of its own! They gave you a nice piece to work with than mine!" Blaming the clay seemed my only option since, apart from a couple of marks on his trousers, Niall looked the same as when we had first come out. "By the way," I wiped my hand on a towel to try them. "You owe me a new dress because of this." I walked straight out of the door not looking behind to see if he was following me.

"You forgot your... well your... I'm not quite sure what it is." Niall ran out with my work of art in one hand and his own in the other.

I took the clay from him and a smile came to my face. "I have a better idea than your poxey pottery class" Running around a corner outside of the building, I eventually found a secluded area near the wall of the bulding. Chase wasnt face behind me but he looked a bit stumped as to what we were going to be doing. "This is way more fun!! Woohooo!!" I yelled and chucked my pot at the wall watching it smash all over the floor. "Now you try it."

"But mines good!" He whined. "I want to keep it. Cherish it for the rest of my life since its a memory of our first date." Sarcasm clear in his voice. He paused for a second. "Okay maybe not the last part but i do want to keep it. I think i did a pretty good job!"

"Youre such a girl!" I laughed at his optimism. "Let me know when you get an offer for thousands and maybe id think that this date was a success." 

The smile wiped off his face. "So i take it theres no chance of a second date? Well At least i tried."

I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Tonight was fun Niall, I just dont see you in that way. We can definitely do fun stuff together as friends though. So turn that frown upside down and lets finish this night on a high! We can go back, raid the fridge from ice cream and then say goodnight. Deal?"

"Deal." His smile returned as he started running back to the car. "Race you to the car!" He yelled back.

I started running as fast as i could giggling all the way. "Hey! Thats cheating! You got a head start!"


[A/N] Hope you all enjoyed it :) Sorry its short x


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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