Gender, Sexuality, and Romantic Discussions

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So I've been struggling with Sexuality and Gender since I knew they existed. I always knew I liked girls and boys, and bisexual seemed to fit that best for the little amount I knew about the subjects. I knew Transgender and the typical Cisgenders. I assumed I was Cisgender because I didn't identify as a boy.

Then I learned about Agender and Asexuality. I thought I might identify as them becaus I didn't fit into anything else, and although I felt attractions and felt atleast somewhat gendered, this was the best I could do with what I had. Then I learned what Pansexuality was, and struggled with wether I was Asexual, Bisexual, or Pansexual. I just assumed I was female because I was already struggling with sexuality and didn't feel the need to take on more than I could handle.

I determined I wasn't Asexual. Later I figured out I was Pansexual. So, here we go, I'm Pansexual, but the few I've come out to know me as Bisexual because I came out prematurely.

I had that pretty much figured out, so I moved onto Gender Identity and Expression. I literally found these out minutes ago thanks to the series by Ashley Mardell, 'The ABC's of LGBT+'. Seriously, if you're struggling or simply ignorant of the LGBT+ community, those are life savers. I figured out I am Gender Fluid, which has been a thought floating around in my head for a while, (thanks so much to Ashley because I'd still be confused af if not for those videos.) and I've finally confirmed it. I figured out the difference between Romantic and Sexual attractions, and discovered I am Demisexual and Panromantic.

So, in short, I am Pan, or Omni, romantic, Demisexual, and Gender-fluid, currently identifying as a Demi girl. I hope no one thinks of me differently because of this, though knowing how supportive and understanding you all are, I don't think you will. See you later. - Destiney Finally Feels Comfortable In Her Own Skin

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