Chapter 5

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Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Or to a bag of moldy, stale, fungus invested potatoes?

Percy chuckled quietly to himself. He was such a poet. The door opened then making him jump and drop his notebook on the floor. In walked a tall and handsome stranger. (Just kidding, it was Jason)

"You ever heard of knocking? It's the latest trend." The raven haired boy grumbled.

Jason walked over and sat at the end of Percys hospital bed. "I have, but I don't follow trends." The blonde boy replied. Percy smiled. For a few seconds it was silent. Jason cleared his throat and looked away from the boys face. "So how you feeling?"

Percy's smile dropped, and he sighed. "I'm fine. Just hella bored." He looked down at the fallen notebook. "The nurses said I was too old for one of the coloring books, so they gave me a notebook instead."

Jason snorted. Percy realized he was wearing his glasses instead of contacts. "That's cause you are too old for coloring books."

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Shut up." He tried to get up to retrieve the book, but Jason stopped him.

"Woah, slow down there fish boy." He stood up. "I'll get it." The blonde picked up the book, but slipped standing back up and fell onto the bed with a "oof!" He sat up, ready to apologize when suddenly he realized his face was right in front of Percy's. Both boys froze, breath held, eyes wide.

"Since when were Percy's eyes so freaking green?" He asked himself silently. "And even with bruises all over: dear Lord, is he hot."

"Jason?" Percy whispered. It came out almost like a gasp, and his breath was hot across Jason's lips.

"Y-yeah?" He replied, eyes dropping down to the smaller boys lips.

"Your hand is um, on my.." His face turned red. "And um, I'm only wearing the hospital gown and...."

Jason's eyes widened when he realized his hand was indeed, firmly on Percy's no no area. And he scrambled off of Percy and stood up, smoothing his clothes. His face and neck were on fire with embarrassment.

"Sorry man." He mumbled looking down.

"Yeah no it''s cool no worries." Percy replied, positioning the blanket around him.

"You want some coffee? I heard they have really good coffee here-I'm gonna go get some." Jason said nervously nearly tripping trying to get out the room.


As Jason was in the cafeteria, he got a call from Piper. "Hey." He answered.

"Hey. So how is he?" She asked referring to Percy.

Jason sighed deeply. "He's better. Just bored. Said they'll be letting him out friday. He has court that afternoon too."

Piper smiled. "That's great. Your mom gonna let him stay with you guys?"

"I haven't asked yet. But I think so." He replied.

"Ok. Just promise me you won't do anything naughty while he's staying with you." She said before a laugh.

Jason tensed up. "What is that suppose to mean?"

"You think I'm blind or something Grace? You think nobody notices the way you are around him?" She asked.

Jason's face turned red. "What?"

Piper giggled. "I got to study. Call you soon to check in." Right before she hung up, Jason heard her mumble "True love gets me every time."

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