Chapter 6

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Mom set Percy up on the couch. But half way through the night he started screaming in his sleep. Thalia rushed into the room and woke him up, wrapping his trembling body in a hug. Mom rubbed his back while Thalia whispered reasurrence into his ear.

"Jason, can you carry Percys pillow upstairs? I think he'll feel better sleeping in the same room as you." Mom said softly. I nodded, grabbing Percys things. I made him a bed on the floor in my room. Thalia walked him upstairs and kissed his forehead before exiting. An hour later, I continued starring at the ceiling, listening to Percys breathing, that hadn't changed.

"Percy? Are you awake?" I asked quietly.

He let out a short sigh. "Yeah." There was pause.

"...I'm sorry." I said with a gulp.

I heard Percy roll over. "You didn't do anything Grace. Stop apologizing."

I tapped my fingers on the bed and let out a puff of air. "Ok." I said in a whisper.

Another moment of silence.

"Do you wanna, um-" I cleared my throat. "Are you, comfortable?" I asked.

I heard him move again. "No." He grumbled.

"Would you um, feel better sleeping in my bed?" I felt heat in my cheeks. "I could sleep on the floor of course so you could get some sleep and-"

Percy stood up. "Scoot over Jase." I instantly moved. Percy slipped under the blanket next to me and settled, facing me. He was so close in my twin sized bed I could feel his hot breath fan across my cheek.

I swallowed hard, praying he couldn't hear the hitch in my breath. ""Better?" I asked, my voice higher.

Percy hummed against the pillow. "Yeah."

"Good." I said. "Goodnight then." I got no response. Just the sound of Percys breath deepening. I smiled in the darkness. And before I knew it, Percys breathing was pulling me into sleep as well.


I woke up due to the sun filtering through the blinds straight into my eyes. I grumbled and burried my face deeper into the source of warmth I was pressed up against. Suddenly I felt warm breath against my forehead and my eyes shot open, fully awake. I did a full body check. My right hand was wedged in between myself and the person, while my left arm was wrapped their waist, and resting on their lower back. I looked up, to see Percys sleeping face above mine. I then remembered last night. My face got very very hot.

I was laying against, no, cuddeling. I was cuddeling with Percy Jackson. In. My. Bed.


I slowly untangled my legs from his and scooted on my side of the bed again. Percy shifted slightly, then began drooling in his sleep. I watched silently, disgusted by how cute I thought it was. (Seriously Jason, wtf? Drooling?) Half a second later his eyes fluttered opened, letting me get a good look of the breathtaking color.

"Hi." I said groggily, speaking for the first time that morning.

Percy yawned and properly looked at me. "In my country, we usually say good morning when we wake up. Not 'hi'."

I sent his a teasing smile. "They mean the same thing don't they?"

Percy shrugged and rubbed his eyes. "I guess so." He sniffed the air then looked at me with excitement. "Is your mom making pancakes?"

I noticed the smell too and nodded. "Think so."

Percy smiled and ripped the blankets from himself, dashing out of the room and down the stairs. I chuckled and followed after but slower.

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