Chapter 3

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"Hey uh, Perce?" Jason mumbled next to me. I flickered my eyes toward him, writing mid sentence. Jason visibly gulped nervously. But I had no idea why.

"What?" I questioned. He seemed extremely nervous.

"You know I kinda lik- uh....never, never mind." He stuttered out, red rising onto his cheeks. I smirked at the sight.

"Something wrong?" I asked innocently. He shook his head furiously and continued to look through the science textbook. Silence followed for about a minute before Jason spoke again.

"You know, Conner and Travis are having a party this weekend. Leo, Calypso, Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Reyna are going. You in?" Jason asked still looking at the text book.

I smiled and continued writing. "That sounds good." Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was a call from Gabe. I quickly answered. "Hello Gabe." I said shakily through the phone. I caught Jason's look in the corner of my eye.

"Get your ass here! It's 5 and I don't have any fucking dinner!" He screamed through the phone. Cold sweat came off my neck. Jason's mouth opened in shock. He heard it. I turned the volume down on my phone.

"S-sorry. I had an assignment and-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I DON'T FUCKING CARE. If your not here in 20 minutes with a bottle of jack, your dead. YA HEAR?!" Gabes voice boomed.

"Yes sir." I mumbled miserably before hanging up. I did a mental to-do list in my head. Get to a store, convince I'm older, get the jack, head home, make dinner. Sighing, I scrambled around Jason's room gathering my things. He was completely silent.

"So....who was that?" Jason said softly. I zipped up my backpack and hoisted it over my shoulder.

"Uh Gabe," I muttered. "My step dad. Listen, I gotta stop by the store then head home."

Jason nodded slowly. "Let me give you a ride."

"No." I said louder then intended. Jason just starred at me. I cleared ny throat. "No, uh it's fine. I'll figure something out. Im sure you don't wanna take me to the store too." I laughed nervously. Jason shrugged.

"I don't mind. It would make me feel better if you didn't walk with your....injury." He said, his gaze looking at my leg that had the limp.



"The liquor store?" I questioned pulling my eyebrows together. Percy nodded and limped inside. I followed him down an isle. He grabbed a bottle of jack Daniel's and made his way to the cashier.

"May I see your ID sir?" Asked the young man behind the counter. He looked in his early 20s. Percy smiled and chuckled, touching the back of his head in a cute gesture. The man behind the counter seemed interested, seeing as his eyes kept skimming up and down Percys bod. I felt the sudden urge to tell the guy to back off, but held my tounge.

"Hey uh, it's Joe right?" Percy asked, flashing the guy a smile. I raised an eyebrow. Was Percy flirting?

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Joe said with a returned smile. I glanced back and forth between the two. Percy leaned over the counter so that they were closer.

"I've seen you in here a few times. But uh, listen......" Percy leaned in even more and Joe did the same so they were only a few inches apart. I felt jelous and also kinda awkward. "I dont have time right now, but maybe some other time we could go somewhere?" Percy said with a smirk I wish was for me. (Don't judge I know you wish it was for you also) Joe nodded and Percy smiled once more before swiping the bottle off the counter and grabbed my arm. Before we left he gave Joe a wink and we headed to my car.

"What the hell was that?" I asked completely baffled.

Percy shrugged next to me and put the bottle into his bag. "I got free Jack."

"Yeah, but you did you...?" I babbled.

"I honestly didn't think it would work." He laughed.

"I guess even with a black eye your good looks don't fail." I commented. Percy stopped laughing and I realized what I said. My face paled.

"You think I have good looks?" Percy asked. I could hear the smile in his voice as I watched the road.

"I was kidding. You look like a deformed donkey." I replied with a smirk. Percy snorted beside me.


"Take a right here. It's the faded yellow apartments." Percy imformed. I nodded and pulled into the parking lot. I checked the time.

"What time did your step-dad want you home?" I asked squinting at the clock. Percy looked at the clock too. His face drained color.

"I'm 7 minutes late. Oh gods...." He grabbed his bag and stumbled out of the car. "Thanks for the ride Jason." I reached over and grabbed his wrist before he could close the car door.

"Wait, let me walk you in." I suggested stepping out the car. Pecy looked like he wanted to argue, but didn't have the time. We made our way to his apartment door and he stopped in front of it to pull the jack from his backpack.

"Sorry, Gabe doesn't let me have friends over. But I'll see you tomorrow." Percy said.

I nodded and we said our goodbyes. After Percy went inside I put my ear against the door and strained to listen. I never really was nosy, but right now I was curious as to what was going on Percys apartment.


I shut the door behind me with my good leg. It was dark in the apartment and I was silently hopeing he was asleep. But the echoing footsteps told me other wise.

"Hey dumbass. Where's my jack?!" Gabe yelled as he walked towards me. I rolled my eyes. Why was he always so loud?

"Here." I muttered handing it to him. He swiped it from me and took a big swig right there. His dark eyes turned to me and I felt frozen.

"Your the most pathetic little fag i've ever seen." He grumbled turning around.

"Takes one to know one jackass." I mumbled under my breath. Gabe stopped in his tracks, his hand curling into a fist at his side. Shit, he heard me. Gabe spun around, his face red with anger. He slammed the bottle on the counter making me jump. Before I knew it, my face stung and I was on the floor.

"YOUR WORTHLESS! YOUR A STUPID LITTLE TWAT THAT NEVER LEARNS HIS LESSON!" Gabe screamed while hitting me. I cried out as his fist continuously made contact with my already black eye. I spit blood out and backed up against the wall. I pulled my legs to my chest as Gabe stopped to catch his breath from yelling. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks and I did feel worthless and stupid. He was right, and that's why I didn't fight back. Besides, I wouldn't win. I was weak.

He raised his hand once again and I closed my eyes tight waiting for the blow. "P-please stop...." I whimpered pathetically. He simply laughed in return and continued till I blacked out.

THANKS FOR WAITING. Leaves any ideas for this story in the comments if you like!

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