Chapter 7

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-12:23 am-


"Dude what took you so long?" Grover whispered, taking the cup of water from Jasons hand. He was sitting against the bathtub with Juniper asleep in his lap.

Jason ran a hand through his hair shakily. "I guess I just got caught up with some people. Sorry."

Grover nudged Juniper awake. "It's fine. Thanks anyways." He handed her the water. "Drink this baby." He said, kissing her temple.

Jason nodded. "See you Monday I guess."

"Bye Jason." Grover said as the blonde boy slipped out of the room.

He absently walked through the hallway and back into the living room. Hazel and Frank were asleep on the couch, spooning one another. Conner was soaking wet: meaning he lost the handstand contest Will was talking about. Piper was currently wrapping blankets and towels around his shivering form. I saw Leo in the kitchen, surrounded by a few girls from school. Travis and Katie were in the corner of the room kissing.

I sighed deeply and sat on the end of the couch by Hazel and Frank. I felt somebody tap on my shoulder, and I turned to see Reyna whatever-the-hell-her-last-name-is. (Seriously, how do you even say her last name?)

"Want to dance?" She asked plainly. I just shrugged, taking her outstretched hand. She led me outside. We walked out to see a few people in the middle of a twerking contest. I smiled to myself, shaking my head.

Reyna led me by the arm into the crowd of people. We danced, laughing and swapping light conversation. Apparently after she had a few drinks, Reyna had a sense of humor. By the end of the Kesha song, she pulled me aside, and planted a light kiss on my lips. I put my hands up in a surrender motion and backed a foot away. "Sorry but I'm not-"

"Interested? It was worth a shot." She trailer her fingers over my bicep. She smiled up at me wickedly. "Maybe you will be next time though." She winked before walking back into the house and dissappearing. I took a deep breath and shook the memory from my head.

I walked back inside and leaned against the kitchen counter. I skimmed the room, looking at all the drunk and high idiots. When I saw him my stomach boiled with anger. Will Solace who was drunk off his ass was missing his shirt, and had an arm around Percy who also was wasted. Jealously filled my chest with fire as I watched from afar. Will laughed and Percy pressed a kiss to his cheek. I tried to calm down. An arm around somebody doesn't mean they're interested in them all the time. And a kiss to the cheek is nothing. I tore my eyes away and walked back outside, wanting to get away from the scene.

"Hey! Superman! Where ya been?" Leo's voice said behind me. I turned around and smiled. He had that one blonde girl Isabella under his arm. She smiled warmly at me. I smiled back. How had Leo convinced her to hang around him? She was pretty and the highest ranking person on the archery team.

"I was helping out Grover and Juniper. She wasn't feeling too good." I explained. Leo nodded and handed me a drink.

"Have you even drank anything tonight?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I shook my head no. "I still gotta drive Percy home." I handed the drink back to him. My phone buzzed from my pocket. It was a text from my mom.

"Where are you? It's getting late. You said you'd be home by now." -sent 1:16 am

I quickly replied: "Sorry, lost track of time. Gonna stop for gas. On our way."

"Who's that?" Isabella asked. I put my phone away.

"My mom. I gotta get Percy and head out." I replied.

"We'll help you look." Leo said, walking back inside to look for Percy. I shoved through the crowd, searching for his face. I got a quick text from Leo, saying Percy was in the hallway. I walked back inside and made my way through the house. What I saw made me pissed. Percy was a lot more drunk now, almost at the point of blacking out. Will was trailing kisses down his neck while a few girls took pictures and giggled. Will whispered something in Percys ear. Will helped him to his feet and began walking him towards the door to one of the bedrooms.

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