Chapter 2

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She continued to stare at me as if I just ran over her puppy with my bike. I awkwardly looked down at my dirty old sneakers waiting for her to speak.

"Percy I......this, can't go on." She whispered. I looked up and saw her eyes begin to water. I sighed and scratched the back of my neck. Annabeth was the only one who knew what went on at home.

"I know, but I can't leave. Not without my mom." I said in a low voice so no one would overhear.

She sighed deeply and wiped her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "'s getting worse. I just hate to see you like this." She said, her voice breaking a little.

"I know. I just have to wait for my mom to get out if the hospital. Then we're out for good." I reassured her.

She nodded and tightened her ponytail. "Okay. Let's just head to the library."

~~~~~Time lapse after school~~~~~~~


I waited outside the back entrance of the school impatiently tapping my foot on the ground. Percy always came out this way because he walked home. I insisted to give him a ride today because of his "skateboarding accident." I was really worried about the guy. And I've never actually seen his house before. I was pretty curious. But first we were gonna go to my house to work on a science project.

I glanced over to see Percy walk out, or rather, limp out with Nico Di Angelo. Last year Nico and I were close friends. And he told me he was gay. I was really supportive of him and all, but then he told me he had the biggest crush on Percy. I tried to play it off cool, but I think he could tell I liked him too. He and Percy went to the same summer camp, and him and I just kinda drifted apart. He is in the 10th grade while Percy and I are in the 11th grade, making him 15. I'm 17 and Percy's 16.

Nico looked at Percy in a concerned look while he gestured to his black eye. I saw Percy laugh, making my heart flutter a little. I watched as they talked for a bit, laughed, and for some reason Nico just had to find some sort of way to touch Percy. I boiled up with jealously inside and began to walk over there.

"Hey Perce. Ready?" I asked.

He gave me a lopsided grin and nodded. He gave a small wave to Nico and we started walking towards my car. But in the corner of my eye I could've sworn I saw Nico glare at me.


We were half way to my house by now. The ride was silent for most of the time. I cleared my throat and Percy looked over at me. "Can we be.....honest with each other for second?" I asked, keeping my eyes glued to the road.

He shrugged. "Sure OK."

I let out a breath. "You didn't get in a skateboarding accident.....did you?"

It was silent for a bit. Then I heard Percy sigh. I looked over to see him just starring out the window.

"No." He said quietly. "I wasn't."

"Then what happened?" I asked trying not to sound like I was forcing him to answer.

Another sigh. " I was, beat up." He said.

My breath caught in my throat and I slammed on the breaks. They squeaked to a stop and Percy held onto his seat for dear life.

"What the hell man?!" He yelled looked at me with a confused look. I quickly pulled over and shut off the engine. I turned so I facing him. My mouth in a straight, grim line.

"Who." I said. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Who the fuck did this to you?!" I yelled. He flinched and shifted nervously in his seat.

"N-nobody." Percy stuttered looking anywhere but my eyes.

I ran my hand through my hair and closed my eyes. When I looked over Percy was starring at me. I could be wrong, but I think I saw him blush a little and look down.

"Can we just go? It doesn't matter. It was taken care of." He mumbled still looking down.

"Yeah." I said calming down. I turned the car back on and continued driving. But inside I was boiling with anger. If Percy won't tell me what son of a bitch did this to him, I'm gonna find out myself.

And that person will wish he hadn't.



When we got to the Grace household, we were greeted by Thalia, and Miss. Grace, their mother. She was always super nice, but kinda sensitive when it came to her children. If someone called them a name, she would be absolutely furious. She had blonde straight hair that goes to her shoulders, light makeup that makes her pale green eyes stand out, and always wears dresses, skirts, heels, cardigans, etc. And she loves to cook and clean.

"Percy. How....Oh gosh! What happened?" She asked as we walked into the kitchen.

I shrugged. "Skateboarding accident." I caught Jason's 'look' in the corner of my eye.

"Again? Oh you poor thing. Isn't that the fourth accident this month?" She asked wiping her hands on towel because she just finished doing the dishes.

"Fifth actually " I said with a fake smile.

She smoothed out her dress and sighed. "Well, If I was your father, I would tell you to maybe lay off the skateboarding for a while. That way you can actually heal." She said with a smile.

I flinched at the word 'father'. Then tried playing it off with a laugh. " Yeah, that's a good idea Miss. Grace."

She giggles and put brownies into the oven. "Percy honey I tell you every time you come over. Call me Katherine."

I smiled and shrugged. " Sorry."

Jason clapped his hands together to get our attention."Okay. Me and Percy have a project to do. So, we're gonna get started on that mom." He said.

"Of course. I'll let you boys get to work then " She said walking towards the living room.

We headed up stairs and entered Jason's bedroom.


Hey guys! I know it's been quiteeeeeeeeeeeeee a while since my last update.

#sorrynotsorry :P

But hey! here it is! tell me in the comments what you want to happen next! and chances are IT WILL HAPPEN so yah. ... BYEZ!!!


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