Chapter 15

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Nialls Point of View


Me and the boys came running down the back of the stage, for a quick change. It was the "Girls Only" part of the set. I decided to take this as a chance to sneak in sometime with Aoife Belle.

Aoife had a cute "Baby Mofo" shirt on with the smallest pair of converse I've ever seen. She even had a set of headphones so her ears wouldn't hurt. Kia and I thought it was best if we kept Aoife backstage, at least for the first part of the tour. We also decided to up on security, just to keep the press off our backs. The world still had no idea Kia had a baby, let alone that I was the father.

I ran over to Aoife, she put her hands out and got excited. I picked her up the threw her in the air a couple of times. She was bursting out with giggles.

"Be careful, you bounce her too much and she'll throw up." Jenna interrupted.

I didn't want to pick a fight with Jenna, so I said quite, as if i didn't hear her. I lowered Aoife, who was still giggling, and went to take a seat by Lou. Thank god she was here, she would be someone who could watch over Aoife, who wasn't Jenna.

Besides, Lou is an amazing mum. Baby Lux is an amazing little girl, although she really isn't a baby anymore. Baby Lux has toured with us since before she was born, Lou was a pro at taking babies on tour. She would be the go to person for me, not Jenna.

My thought was interrupted by two tiny hands, that were exploring my face.

"Aoife Belle, what are you doing?" She just looked at me and giggled.

She had her right hand over my left eye, and her left hand grabbing my nose.

"Aoife Belle." I said again but this time it came out more nasally, making Aoife laugh even harder than she already was before.

"Oh you find squashing daddy's face funny huh?"

She just kept on giggling. I heard a cooing coming from the corner of the room. Turning my head, I saw all the boys ready to take the piss out of how "Daddy-ish" I was being".

I looked back at Aoife, who was making a weird sound. She was even making a weird face too. I looked Jenna who was already running towards us, yelling

"Oh my god! It's the poop face, she's making the poop face."

I quickly panicked "She has a diaper on right!?"

"No, Kia's been trying to potty train her. and that's the poop face."

"There's a bathroom right down the hall." Lou said as she stood up.

"I do it." I blurted out

"You're going back on stage in less than 5 minutes, Niall." Todd said in a panic.

"Don't worry she'll be fine. " Lou said staring at me I nodded at Lou, she smiled and grabbed Aoife, telling her to hold it as they ran out. Jenna quickly followed behind.

I had sometime to kill before heading back on stage. Liam and Zayn went to go find some food, while Louis was spending some valuable time with Eleanor, and Harry...well Harry was just being Harry. I decided to go check out what was going on, on stage.

As I walked to the side of the stage, I wanted to stay as close to the backstage entrance as close as possible. Even thought I just met Aoife, she's my princess, my everything. I do have to admit leaving her side gave me anxiety.

"Thank you London! You have no idea how much we've missed this!" Kia yelled out to the crowd.

The screams and cheers hit an all time high. We were performing to a sold out crowd tonight. The energy in the crowd was electrifying. The feeling of singing in front of a sold out audience is indescribable. You could see it in The girls faces. They were on cloud nine.

I looked over to Kia who was whispering something into Grace's ear. It always amazed me seeing Kia just light up on stage. It was really the one place where she was 100% herself. When she gets on stage something just clicks in her, and she drops all her insecurities. It's part of the reason I fell in love with her.

"London you have no Idea how crazy you guys are !" Maddie yelled out, pumping up the crowd even more.

"We have a treat for you guys, we know it's been over a year since our last tour...."Shontelle said

"...And we've heard a lot of demands that we do a cover." Grace added.

They stopped for a pause, as the crowd was roaring with excitement.

"So here we go, this next song is by Ellie Goudling, it's called Burn." Kia ended before the stadium black out, letting the lights of the bracelets that each person attending the concert had.

Thousands of twinkling lights were everywhere... The lights dimmed on as the music started, sending a wave of cheers from the crowd . The spot light hit all five girls, the setting was simple but the energy was crazy.

Kia came out on the bridge and the music, lights, and crowd broke out when the chorus hit. They had the entire stadium out of their seats and dancing. She was mesmerizing, the way she sang and moved with every note.

"WOW!" I heard as a body crashed into me."Mate I'm pump, it's gunna be a hell of a night."

"Harry you are one crazy mofo." I said while shaking my head.

Harry just smiled, as he moved along to the music.

"There you two twats are, Todd's losing his mind cause we're already supposed to be ready to walk on stage after this song." Louis interrupted

"Has he started getting all clammy and sweating." I asked

"He's losing his bloody mind, mate"

"Let him sweat a little. Todd's too serious."

"Guys!" we heard Todd yell.

We all turned to look at a stressed out Todd, he was seriously going to give himself a heart attack one of these days.

"You guys are supposed to be ready by stage B now!"

"Sorry mate."

"I said you three stage B now!"

"Sorry mate wha'd you say!?" I tried saying over the loud cheers

"STAGE B!" Todd begged.

We all laughed, Todd looked like he was ready to pass out at that point.

"No need to yell mate, we're right here." Louis said while patting Todd on the back as we all left.

I took one last glance before the song ended. There she was singing, dancing, moving the crowd. I could spend all night watching her perform, but she'd never know that. I wasn't going to hurt her anymore. Maybe Jenna was right, maybe I had to keep my distance from Kia, and with that I took one last look. One last glance at the only girl I can say I've ever fallen for.

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