Chapter 53

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Kia's Point of View


The cold water felt light and refreshing as it hit my face. I quickly grabbed a small towel and wiped it dry. I turned towards Aoife Belle who was fully investigating my make up bag. She sat on the floor going through all the eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks. She was in this curious stage where she had to touch absolutely everything. It wasn't terribly late since I rushed back to the hotel as soon as the last song finished. I was still avoiding fans and their reaction to everything. I know I should be tired but I was still buzzing from the concert, and by the looks of it so was Aoife.

She was fiddling with the lid to one of my bronzing powders. She looked absolutely adorable, the amount of concentration she had on her face was priceless, here brows were scrunched together along with the slight sticking out of her tongue. I kneeled down to her, letting out a couple chuckles.

"Aoife Belle." I cooed. Her gaze was still completely focused on the container of powder.

"Stuck, mama, stuck!" She whined, as she struggled to take the lid off.

"Awe, Belle that's mama's power, you shouldn't be trying to open it." I softly replied. As cute as it was watching her try and figure out the lid, it was still an expensive powder so the last thing I needed was for it to explode everywhere.

"Mama see! Mama see!" Aoife Belle was clearly fed up with trying to open it herself. She looked at me with those all too familiar piercing blue eyes and handed me the jar. "Pwease, mama." She sweetly said as she batted her eyelashes, I called it the puppy dog look. You know the incredible cute look that you can never say no too?

"Alright." I sighed in defeat. I took the powder from her soft, tiny hands and unscrewed the lid. "See it's just powder Belle."

"Ooo" Aoife cooed in amazement as she scooted closer and sat on my lap. "Paint mummy, paint!" She cheered.

"You wanna paint mummy?" I chuckled, as I gave Aoife and Eskimo kiss.She grabbed the sides of my face a giggled.

"Pwease mummy?" She asked, giving me that puppy dog look again.

"Aoife I don't know, it's late and you have to go to bed soon." I hesitated. Before Aoife could give any response we jumped at a rather loud banging on the door. All the powder flew out of my hands and landed all over Aoife Belle. She gave out a tiny screech.

As the powdered filled air cleared, I noticed that I had one, very tanned baby in my arms.

"Looks like mama painted you instead." I chuckled, she was clearly not impressed by my joke.

"No funny, mummy, no funny." She pouted as she crossed her very tanned arms.

"Oh lets give you a quick shower sweetie." I said, while still laughing. Despite me losing very expensive makeup Aoife Belle's reaction was priceless.

I lifted Aoife up and carried her to the bathtub. Through all the laughter I almost forgot about the knock that had caused all the trouble in the first place. It was getting late and the only people who visited at this hour were one of the girls or Lou, so I didn't put too much thought as to who it was.

"Come on in, it's opened." I yelled from the bathroom. I turned on the hot water, making sure it wasn't too hot, as Aoife Belle stripped her tee-shirt and diaper off. I quickly gave Aoife the shower head as I placed some baby soap in my hand and started scrubbing all the bronzer off of Aoife Belle. Clearly I wasn't thinking when giving the shower head to Aoife Belle because she started to mess around with it as soon as she got it in her hands.

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