Chapter 10

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It was around 10pm and I was completely exhausted. I had spent all day at rehearsals, going over and over every song and routine. On top of that I still had to do my mummy duties. At the end of the day I was no superwoman. Trying to juggle everything was hard, and I was feeling the full effects of being completely exhausted.

My baby girl was sound asleep in her room, I decided to unwind with a movies and some good old Ben&Jerry's. Nothing could cure a rough day like Ben&Jerry's, they were truly the only men in my life who would never leave me. I quickly changed into comfy pajama shirts and an old sweatshirt. I made my way back to the living room and crashed on the couch. Have you ever been so tired that when you finally sit down, it's like the best thing in the world? Well that was me and my couch.

I was maybe half way into the movie when I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone but maybe it was Jenna. We we're leaving for tour the day after tomorrow, and knowing her, she would probably making sure everything was properly packed and done.

I walked up to my door to look through the peep whole. Only to see a giant stuffed giraffe, elephant, monkey, and a whole bunch of other fuzzy animals. Curious to see who it was, I opened the door. Only to find a jittery blond boy hiding behind the madness of stuffed plush animals. It was Niall.

In all honesty, I was in shock to see him, here, at my door. After that night at his flat, I thought that would be the last time I'd see him, outside of work hours. He looked like a nervous wreck, but not in a bad way.


"Hey" he said letting out a small nervous smile on his face.

"Umm it's not that I'm not happy to see you Niall, but what are you doing here? and whats with the stuffed animals?"

"I couldn't decide!? A giraffe? A monkey? Pink or blue elephant!?!?" I couldn't help but let out a tiny smile, I haven't seen Niall this nervous in a long time. When he found something to be passionate about he would over analyze every single detail until he got it perfect.

"So you decided to bring the entire stores stock of stuffed animals?"

"Well then I felt like a complete idiot because I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl. I just...I don't know." he dropped his head and put his hand on the back of his neck.

I took pity on him, I could have been mad at him for completely going M.I.A for almost two weeks, but then again who am I to judge. I did it for almost 2 years.

"A girl." His head immediately shot up.

"It's a girl." I repeated.

"I have a...a daughter?" he said softly

"If you want to, I mean I don't want you to only be doing this because you feel obligated too."

"You really think I'm doing this because I feel obligated ?"

"I don't know what to think Niall... I haven't heard a single thing from you in almost two weeks and then you just show up the day before the tour?"

"Sucks doesn't it... being completely blind sighted."

I felt my heart sink, seeing the hurt in Niall's eyes. He looked like hell, like he hadn't slept in the longest time.

"I'm sorry. I did mean for this to happen I really didn't. You have every right to be angry at me, I really don't want to fight now."

"I just can't believe you actually think that I'm here because I feel like I'm forced to not because I actually want to be here."

"I just..."

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