Chapter 26

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"She's finally down for her nap." I heard Maddie say before there was a knock on our hotel room door. "I'll get it ." Maddie yelled.

"Zayn!" I heard her say 


"Come on in."

"Hey Gracey." Zayn greeted before giving me a quick hug.

"Whats up?"

"I just came to tell you that Perrie's been trying to ring you to ask you're opinion on some wedding plans."

"Humm must be the dress." Maddie adds

"The dress?"

"Probably, it's bad luck for to see or hear about it before the big day."

"We haven't set a date yet?!" Zayn protested in utter confusion.

"Calm down Bradford, the dress has to be ordered months before the actually wedding." Maddie said as she sat down.

"Don't worry I'll ring her later on." 

"Great." Zayn looked as if he was going to say something else but was interrupted by small cries coming from Maddie's and mine shared hotel suite. 

"Is that a baby?" He asked in confusion.

"Shit, she woke up." Maddie said, running towards the bedroom.

"Aoife Belle." I assured him while taking a sip of my tea. 

"Oh, where's Kia?" Zayn questioned as he sat down.

"Shes's been really sick." I say while taking another sip."Before I forget, care for a spot of tea?"

"Ha, no thanks Gracie." Zayn replied as he sat back in the chair. "So that's where Niall ran off too."

"Niall ran off?"

"Yeah we were all out for breakfast, and Kia wasn't answering her phone."

"So he ringed Maddie." I finished


"Now I get it." 

"Get what?" He questioned.

"My reasons for medelling." Maddie responded while tiptoeing back to her seat. "Kia is apparently really sick, and that practically the only time she'll let herself be vulnerable. Since either one of them are too scared or stupid, I am not quite sure which one it is yet, to actually admit their feelings for each other. I decided to give them a little push.

"Maddie they're just scared." I pointed out 

"You're too kind Gracey." Maddie states

"I feel like they're letting their fear cloud their judgment." Zayn adds

"How poetic." Maddie jokes. Causing Zayn to get a tad bit shy. 

"You're such a troll Madison!" I joke back at her.

 "I still can't believe out of all of us , they're the ones to have a baby." Maddie says while playing with her hair.

"Was it really?" Zayn questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that remember when they were dating they were inseparable." He adds

"He has a point, they were so cute together." I sigh out as I remember. 

" Until he broke up with her."  Maddie whispered

"Maddie!" Both Zayn and I objected her last comment.

"It's true! Did any of you think he would break-up with her? I swear we all knew they were going to be that epic old married couple."

"Of course none of us saw it coming, but what does it matter anyways. It's in the past."

"Sometimes things have to happen, not because they want to but because things get in the way." Zayn said while twirling his thumbs.

Both Maddie and I looked at each-other with suspicion. He emphazised things way too much, for it not to mean something.

"Alright Bradford, why are you being so cryptic?" Maddie demands while raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

"I am not being cryptic, I am just stating ideals vs the reality of this whole situation."

"You're hiding something." Maddie insisted.

"No I am not."

"Come on guys we're all hiding something." I said before realizing what I implied.

"Gracie? Wait are are you guys hid-" Before Zayn could ask anymore questions his phone kept buzzing. "Bloody -- hold on one sec." Zayn moved closer to the door, leaving Maddie and I alone.

"Way to almost blow the secret Grace."

"I am sorry Maddie! It sorta just came out."  I said as I tried to defend myself.

"I am not the one  you should be apologizing too, Kia is." 

"It's not like I said anything."

"But you Alm--"

"Looks like your plan might have back fired Maddz." Zayn said as he hung up the phone.

"What do you mean?" We both asked

"That was Niall, Jenna just got back and well she kicked him out."

"She what!?" I choked out.

"Does Kia know?"

"I'm pretty sure she was still asleep, but Niall wants to talk to all us guys, so I better head out."

"No go go!" I say while wiping the spit tea off of me. Zayn nods and rushing out the door.

"Make sure you keep us in the loop about the Jenna thing!" Maddie yells after him, as Zayn closes the door behind him.

"Shh, we're on the same floor as Jenna and Kia!." I remind her

"Oh right."

"See I am not the only one who has those moments."

"Yours was different than mine."


"Just remember to keep it a secret okay? There's a reason why Kia's kept it that way."

"Okay, Okay...I just don't understand how any good can come from keeping these secrets."

"Tell me about it."

Maddie and I finished out tea and let Aoife Belle sleep a tad bit longer, before we headed over to hear the drama that was about to unfold.

I meant what I said though I do not understand what good can come from all these secrets. The saddest part was that the only comforting detail of all of this was knowing that Niall had secrets too. Zayn indirectly confirmed it for us today. I wondered what it could possibly be about thought?


Over 10K reads! Can I just say how perfectly perfect you guys are !? I mean seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart. Things are getting really intense between Kia and Niall, I hope you guys are just as excited as I am to see what goes down.

Anywhoo please keep reading, comenting and voting :)


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