Chapter 14

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Listening to the crowd lose their minds as the light when down, telling them the show was about to start, was amazing. I'd forgotten how much I loved performing live. Just being there, hearing the crowd sing along to all their favorite songs. I was one of the best feelings in the world.

"We're on in 10 people! " Todd ran through the room yelling.

I quickly ran back to Eleanor, giving Niall a little push so that I could kiss baby Aoife goodbye. Niall stumbled out of the way as he threw his hands up.

"Hey! No! You already had your turn!"

"Stop being such a baby Horan."

"I'm not the one teaching our daughter how to body check someone!" He whined

"I barely touched you, and besides she should know how, its self-defense."

"She's got a good point mate." Liam said as he was putting in his ear piece.

"It's self-defense." Niall mumbled in a goofy voice

I turned to Liam giving him a wink of approval before turning back to Niall and sticking my tongue out in that Nah NahBoo Boo way.

"Really Kiki? You really wanna go there?" Niall moved closer to me while plastering a sinful smirk on his face.

"Bring it Horan." I said confidently

"You asked for it." Niall sneered through his sinful grin.

I gave Aoife one last quick kiss before I darted for the Stage entrance. Niall was quick to run after me, he was a lot faster than I remembered. I weaved in and out of people as fast a I could, to my surprise I hadn't knocked anybody over yet.

"Kia watch out!" I heard Eleanor yelled!

I almost ran into Liam's mum, but before knocking her down I felt two large hands pull me back. I slammed into a strong chest. I was heavily panting, trying to catch my breath, I managed to apologies a hundred times to Liam's mum.

"It's alright love, no ones hurt." she kindly said, looking at me, then above me.

That's when I realized I was still attached to the large body that had caught me.

"This is the part you thank me for saving you." an Irish accent whispered in my ear.

 "I was perfectly fine." I said in a stern voice.

Trying to wiggle my self out of Niall's strong grip, I felt him pull me back, this time we were face to face.

"What are you doing." I said curiously.

"Just wanting my Thank-you." He said while bursting into that same sinful smile, as he did earlier.

Everyone else was caught up in the last-minute details to even pay attention to what was happening. In the moment Niall and I were lost within the chaos. He leaned closer in to me. I felt my heart beat faster with each movement he took. As he closed in the bit of space that was left between us, I raised my hands to that they were on his chest.

Just when he was about close the gap, I used what ever strength I had and pushed him back. He stumbled and fell on to the empty couch behind him. Niall looked dumbfounded.

"Okay places people! To your places!" Todd yelled as he ran through the room again.

There was nothing but pure shock on his face.

"You honestly think I'd be that easy Horan?" Niall just sat there taking a hard gulp.

"You've lost your touch love." I giggled out before running behind the stage to my spot.

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