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   Violets POV        
My name is violet and this is my story. I'm 16 years old. I have a little sister that's 5 years old. She is honestly the best sister a person could ask for. She isn't annoying, she does her own thing. She listens, she is there for a shoulder to cry on and she's someone you can rely on. Other than that my life is pretty normal. You wake up say good morning to your parents that have to leave for work everyday and leave you with a babysitter that doesn't really care what you do. I usually hang out with my friends. We are the kind of kids that go out past our curfew or prank call people. True rebels. I'm not near as bad as them. I don't drink, do drugs, or smoke and they do. I don't break into people's houses and they do sometimes. I'm a pretty good kid. My parents always leave me with a babysitter even though I don't need one. They are basically wasting their money for someone like her to 'babysit' me and she doesn't even pay attention to me. They are always gone on business trips so I rarely see them.

Halloween Night

Tonight my friends and I aren't going trick or treating, we are going next door to the "monster house". It's been next to my house for over 16 years that I've been alive. It's been here since I've been alive. It's a very old looking house. No one has ever stepped a foot inside that house. Ever! Although teenagers usually throw eggs at the house or even trash the whole yard in toilet paper. I honestly think that's rude. I'm guessing no one lives in that house. I guess we will find out tonight.

My friends and I agreed to dress up even though we aren't trick or treating. I don't usually go all out because I'm 16 now and I don't really care. I didn't feel like going and shopping for a stupid costume so I just made one up myself. My little sister was a cat last year so she still had her cat ears. (Outfit above)Easy enough, right?

It's now 7:00pm and it's starting to get dark. My friends are supposed to be here around 7:30pm. I really hope they show up at my house because the last time we planned on doing something they never showed up because they where out getting stoned. I'm honestly getting tired of being their friend. Yeah I know it sounds rude but honestly they aren't a good influence on me at all. We are nothing alike, clearly. We used to be good friends and they used to not do drugs until they got into high school and people encouraged them to do it and now they do. I wish that never had happened to them. They used to be like me, drug, achohol, and cigarette free. Now they are totally different people.


So here it is 8:30pm. Yes I've been waiting on my friends for an hour. I've gave up on them. I decided to man up and go check out the "monster house" all by my self. I'll be the first on to step into that house.

I'm standing here in front of the "monster house" on the front lawn. Honestly I'm creeped out by this. Maybe I shouldn't go in and just call it a night and head back to my house. No Violet, stop being a whimp and just step inside! Here goes nothing. I stepped up to the porch, I'm litterely shaking with fear right now. It's just an old abandoned house. You know in those scary movies that have haunted houses and stuff? They always have people living in them? That's what I'm afraid of. What if someone is in there right this second. What if I die. I reached out for the handle and twisted it. It was unlocked. I twisted it all the way and pushed on the door just a little so I could see inside. It was pitch black. I grabbed my phone and turned the flash light on. I saw someone move into a corner and hide behind a bunch of stuff. Not just an ordinary person, they where different. "Who's there?" I looked around. Then all of a sudden my flashlight went off, great my phone is dead.
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