1. A Mistake [Part 3]

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---Niko's P.O.V.---

Niko was beyond aggravated. After he had stormed out of the audience room, he had gone to the sparring field, and had practically beat the crap out of his future beta, much to his beta's dismay. When that did nothing to allieve his frustration, he finally just gave in and took off for the forest, shifting into his massive grissly of a black wolf, huge sharp white teeth snapping as he snarled at nothing, and kept on running. Niko was angry at the Fates for giving him a mamed girl for his Mate. How could she serve the Pack if she was disfigured? I mean sure it wasn't that big of a deal, but wolves are about the run, and the hunt, the pack expirience, he doubted that she had spent more that a handfull of days shifted in her wolf form. I mean how could she function without sight?

Niko snorted, he'd known she was a wolf the moment he'd grabbed her, he could smell the sweet wild on her skin, tangled with jasmine, and the scent of berries...it made his mouth water just thinking about it. He hated how his wolf reacted to thoughts about her, his pulse quickening, and his wolf yipping inside his soul. He growled, tossing his head trying to get his thoughts back to focused on the forest around him, and to the force of his feet pounding on the soft moist ground. Niko finally came to a stop at the edge of a crisp clear stream bubbling around rocks in its center, and just stood watching the water as he panted, mesmerized by how the sun reflected in its depths.

He bent and lapped at the water, quenching his thirst, before sitting back on his haunches, and continuing his inner rant, building up his arguements to present to his father, in hopes that they would see the error in his wolf's decision, and agree to rectify the situation. Even as the thoughts went through his mind, he felt his wolf growl at him, which turned his thoughts back in a different direction, back to when he had stopped the girl from running off. He was pained to admit, that he had reacted to stop her from running off from him. Niko flinched at the thought, he wanted nothing to do with her, it was his wolf that had responded to the situation, he told himself. Inside, he felt his wolf snicker at him, whispering amusedly that that wasn't entirely true, and he knew it. He ignored the tauntings of his wolf's soul, getting up and heading home.

Dinner wasn't far off, and his father was expecting him to join them, and the girl would also be there. He tried not to groan at the idea. Niko arrived at the edge of the forest sooner than he expected, the courtyard that served as a sparring field, was empty. A set of clothes dropped neatly onto the ground next to him. Looking up, he saw his faithful beta, Jay, lounging up on a tree branch above him. Dropping lithely from the branch to land easily on his feet next to Niko, and then proceeded to lean against the tree's trunk as he waited on his future Alpha to resume his human form.

Niko didn't hesitate to shift, standing there for a moment in his glorious nakedness, before bending to yank the loose fitting jeans on, as Jay remarked offhandedly, "Nice of you to have mentioned that you found your Mate this morning."

Niko jerked upright, glaring at his friend as he fastened his belt, saying, "She is not my 'Mate'. I refuse to accept her." Then yanked the blue muscle shirt on over his head. End of discussion, his tone yelled. Jay made a sound of amusement in the back of his throat, as he pushed off of the tree, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Last I checked, one doesn't really get a say in the matter, Niko. What's decided is decided, it's a done deal once you find your mate, and all that's left is to seal the deal." Jay replied, glancing back over his shoulder at a furious Niko, shaking with rage.

"Who told you anyways?" Niko demanded quietly.

Jay chuckled softly, saying, "Your father mentioned it, when I stormed in to fetch you some clothes, and happened to mention how you took off for the forest looking pissed as ever. Said it was cuz a your mate, and some stuff." Jay waved his hand in the air, gesturing that he only got the vague details from Alpha Vince. Niko growled. After a moments thought, he realized it was because someone else besides him had told his beta, and best friend, about HIS Mate. He winced at himself for reacting like that.

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