5. The Hike Uphill

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They walked for a good several more minutes, before Niko finally seemed to find wherever it was that he was looking for. Coming to a halt, he let go of her hand for a moment so as he could step away to speak with the patron of wherever it was that he had brought her to eat at. When he came back, he gently hooked his hand around her upper arm, as he guided her to a little square table for two. Pulling her chair out and setting her down, he quickly rounded the table and took his own seat, as well.

He watched as she picked up her menu, and began running the fingers of one of her hands along it's surface, searching for brail. Nico caught her wrist gently in his hand, knowing there was no brail for her to read. His expression gentle as he studied her puzzled look, her dark bleary eyes slanted questioningly towards him. A slight smile twitched at the corner of his lips.

"Let me order for you...." Nico offered in his velvety timbre.

Biting her lip as she hesitated a moment, Tötti finally nodded, replying, "Okay...." in a quiet whisper. She lay her menu down, cocking her head to the side as she stared unseeingly in his direction, hands folded in her lap, waiting. After smirking delightedly to himself, Nico plucked his menu from the table once more, and did a quick survey, before motioning a waiter over. He made quick work of their order, placing it in his native tongue, Portuguese, so as to preserve the surprise. Tötti merely raised a brow at him, but didn't comment.

They sat in comfortable silence for a bit, before the waiter returned with their drinks; Sweet tea for the both of them. Picking up her glass, Nico watched as she sipped delicately from her glass, her eyes closing briefly, so her thick lashes lay in dark heavy fans along her cheek, as she enjoyed the sweet flavor of her drink. He licked his lips as he studied her, wanting to know her, wanting to know everything about Her, who She was, just everything. His wolf urged him to dig, to hunt, to search, to find out why she was our mate, why she should be our mate, and if she was even capable of living up to the expectations of what our mate should be, and what she should be able to do. We had decided at some point, though it wasn't a definable moment that we could actually recall, that there was no point in trying to fight 'Fate', and that we could only work to try and understand the reasons behind the Fate we were given. Nico almost hated when his wolf would have moments of crystal clear clarity, and wise insight. It was slightly annoying to say the least.

Tötti was lovely, unique, exotic looking even, he had to grudgingly admit, but it wasn't just her physichal appearance that he was concerned about, he needed to find out, if she was worthy enough to be his mate, and more over, if she was fit to be the La Lúne of his pack. She would, as the La Łuna Däimón, be the prime example for the pack. She would be looked up to for guidance, and learning, she would be sought out by those in woe, and would need to be able to mend the wounds of their sorrows, both physically and emotionally, and occasionally mentally. She would need to be strong, smart, and wise, fast, elegant, and wry. She'd have to be perfect, at least in the eyes of the Pack, and that could only be achieved also through her imperfections. Nico sighed. When he thought about it like that, and put words to his 'Perfect Mate', the more impossible and less probable that She existed, his perfect mate.

"You worry too much...Nikolai." Tötti murmured quietly, her brow scruching ever so slightly in a frown, as she tipped her head slightly to the side, her murky gaze angled just to the right of his face, and her ears seemed to perk and twitch as if to strain to catch anything from him.

"Maybe I do...." Nico replied blandly, frowning at the odd flutter in his chest that happened when she used his full name.

"Your home is nice, so is your family. And your pack is loyal, and strong. Respectable. You must be proud...." Tötti said very quietly.

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