2. Reconciliation

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---Niko's P.O.V.---

In the morning, Niko had barely taken his seat at the breakfast table, when Nattalie came running into the dining room shouting, "She's gone!!! Tötti!!! She's gone, she's left!!!" she looked about to burst into tears as Niko's parents both stood, his mother rushing to wrap her arm around Nattalie's shoulder to sooth her. Niko gave a half hearted check of the silver thread that was the Mate bond, already knowing what he'd find. He almost chuckled at his sister's fretting, as he cleared his throat, bringing their attention to him as he sliced a piece of pancake off.

"I believe you'll find our guest in my favorite library. She didn't seem to be fully comfortable in the bed we provided." Niko commented quietly. Sticking the slice of pancake in his mouth, and chewing thoughtfully. It wasn't so much that she had told him she was uncomfortable, or that he had asked her, but when he had opened his eyes this morning, and wondered quietly aloud why she had fallen asleep on his couch instead of a bed, his wolf had been more than happy to insist that she was a homeless wolf used to having the bare minimum, and nothing more. She had spent more nights sleeping on the forest floor, his wolf insisted, making his heart twang for her. It was only then that his wolf had retreated from his thoughts, after having the satisfaction of getting under Niko's skin.

"Why ever would she want to sleep on a couch?" His sister demanded, as Niko shook thoughts of Tötti out of his head, his father giving him a curious inquiring look. Probably wondering as to how he knew she was there.

"She's a stray. Strays aren't used to sleeping in beds, I'm sure." Niko explained, trying to sound exasperated, even as he felt his heart chords tug again. He winced as a bite of sadness nipped at him with that thought, and felt a stir in the bond, he knew instantly without knowing, that she was surfacing from her sleep.

Niko couldn't help plucking at the bond, and felt her instantaneous, if subconscious, response. A gentle hum echoed across the bond from her, lazily, and searching. He swallowed and closed the bond hastily. What was wrong with him? If he kept that up, he was only going to encourage their bond to strengthen, and cause himself to get attached to her. He couldn't have that if he was gonna have this bond broken, so a better mate could come along.... His wolf whined unhappily at the direction of his thoughts.

"Don't be ridiculous Niko. Why would anyone pass up the chance to sleep in a bed?" Nattalie scoffed, scowling with her fists on her hips. Niko bolted to his feet, a sudden rush of anger flaring inside him, that his sister would dare to question him about his mate.

"Because it feels wrong to her!!!" He bellowed angrily, glaring Nattalie down. He was satisfied to see her flinch at his out burst, and take a step back. His father was suddenly by his side, hand on his shoulder, trying to sooth him.

"That's not what she meant." Vince assured him, seeming to read his son's heated thoughts. But Niko was boiling mad without any real provocation.

A shuffling sound came from the door behind Niko, and a calming tremble ran down his spine. He knew before he even turned around. She was there. He inhaled sharply as his eyes rested on her. Her hair was all mussed from sleep, she was rubbing her eyes with one hand, her jacket slung over one arm, and the blanket he'd draped over her, slung around her shoulders. She was gorgeous. His wolf yipped excitedly in his chest, prancing out a skit in his heart beat.

"Tötti...." Niko sighed, before he even realized that he'd spoken out loud. She visibly jerked, a little surprised he guessed, that he'd spoken softly to her. He winced at the idea that she didn't expect kindness from her own mate, whether he wanted her or not.

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" She asked quietly, her pouty lips frowning ever so slightly. He caught her sniff the air inconspicuously, catching the scent of aggravation, and near aggresion, on the air. Her delicate black brows rose.

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