Chapter 10- Hangover Problems

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After my moment with Aiden, I walked out to the living room and found Bella lying on the couch eating corn.

I must've made a face because she laughed.

"I know, you're probably thinking, 'Why is she just eating a random plain corn?' The answer is simple: I love corn and you happened to have some." She explained, as if it were the most normal thing, and after an awkward silence, I let out a laugh.

"Well, I hope you're enjoying it." I said, not really having anything else to say.

She smiled proudly.

"I am!"

About a second after, Blue and Aiden walked in the room.

"So, we were just about to play truth or dare, spin the bottle version." Bella said and I raised an eyebrow. I turned to look at Blue who was smirking.

"Are you too scared?" Aiden asked teasingly, not seeming the slightest bit annoyed like he was just a few seconds ago.

"Nope." I replied confidently and sat on the floor.

Blue went over to the kitchen to grab some alcohol and then came back and took a seat by me. Bella and Aiden joined us, finishing up the circle.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, this game is no fun if we're all sober so let's spice things up just a bit." Blue said, and while Bella seemed completely fine with it, Aiden and I exchanged nervous looks.

"I'm not sure this is a good id-"

"Oh please June. You don't have to get drunk. Just a little tipsy, that's all. You know, like the old times." She said, and I suddenly got a flashback. Last time we did this was in our junior year. Let me just say, things did not go well.

"Blue, you know what happened last time. I told you I'm not drinking again." I whispered, giving her a look.

"We'll be okay, oh my gosh. It's just us four. And we're safe here." She whispered back, not wanting Bella and Aiden to hear, and I sighed. She rolled her eyes at my discomfort and I bit my lip.

I looked at our guests, both with confused looks on their faces.

"Well?" Bella asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Alright. Let's do this." I said in defeat, realizing I had no way of backing out of this one. It surprised me how eager Blue was to do this, especially when she knew what had happened three years ago.

I hadn't actually noticed what choice of alcohol Blue had picked until she served it in our cups.

"Ew. Why would you pick rum?" I asked, scrunching my nose at the smell of the liquid inside the cup placed in my hands.

"It works pretty fast." Was all she said and I just shook my head before gulping it all down, scrunched up my face in disgust at the unpleasant taste and the burning feeling in my throat.

After we all drank our not so lovely liquid, we let a few minutes pass and Bella and Aiden decided to have a little more. I decided it wouldn't be good for me to have more than two rounds, considering I'd get drunk pretty fast since I barely ever drank.

However, I did end up getting pretty tipsy and soon enough we were all giggling at practically nothing.

"Okie, let's start!" Bella said and spun the bottle.

It landed on Blue and since I was next to her, they told me to I should ask her first.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.

She smiled widely.


"I dare you I DARE YOU TO CALL BLAKE AND TELL HIM HE'S HOT." I said childishly and she looked shocked for a second, but then started laughing. She quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Blake's number, putting it on speaker.

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