Songs of God 2

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Hey guys! So I went to a concert at my church and it was awesome. So I wanted to share some of the songs with you.
The consort had three artists. J.J Heller, Jason Gray, and Josh Wilson. They are amazing people. They have a huge heart for Jesus and are super funny!
I have only listened to most of these songs once so I don't know their exact names on some but if you look up the artist and keywords you should find it.
At the consort I was writing the keywords down so I'm not sure my song descriptions are 100% accurate but they should be fairly close.
I encourage you to listen to them. They are really, really good songs.

J.J. Heller:

Boat Song- this song is kinda like a lullaby. She wrote this song for her two daughters.

What love really means- this song is mostly about the unloved and how God love all.

Jason Gray-

Glow in the dark- is about shining for God.

Learning to be found

Not right now- this song is about pain. If you are hurting or someone you know is hurting, listen to this song. It was one of my favourites.

The wound is where the light gets in- this is a song about healing.

Remind me who I am- have you ever forgotten who you wanted to be? This song is about the struggles and who we are to God.

Josh Wilson-

Let your light shine

I refuse- this song is about refusing to say empty prayers and be a "fake" Christian.

Caving in- grief

No more- is about breaking free of your bonds and addictions.

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