Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry I ran a little late at..."


So your probably wandering what's going on? Who's Aria? Who hit her? Well it was my dad and I'm Aria. But most people just call me Ari, I'm 15 and I turn 16 next week. You see the only problem is, my dad is an obsessive drug user and abusive. My mom left when I was just a little girl, 4 to be exact, and my dad couldn't take it, so he took all of his anger out on me. No one really knows how my dad is seeing as whenever somebody's over he's the nicest guy on the planet. That is when I'm allowed to have people over or when his friends come to "hang". Let me tell you about me, I'm 217.2 pounds, my thighs touch, I wear a 15 in jeans and an extra large for shirts, I'm not confident at all, I hate the way I look. When I was really young I got molested by my grandpa, then he claimed he didn't do anything. I usually keep to myself the older i get. I used to be a skinny girl, joined cheer leading, had a boyfriend, and I guess you could say that my life was awesome, that I had no conflict, that i had it all, well that was just a front, I didn't and I still don't. I remember when my dad was nice, but that was all back before he got into drugs, drinking, any all he cared about was money, sex, and booze. I remember when I was younger and my dad would take me to get ice cream, or to the park. Of course me mother was there but she never smiled, laughed, or had fun. I always blamed myself for her unhappiness, guess I never really understood why, even when I thought I did.


Young Ari: "Daddy look at me I'm flying!" *giggles*

Ari's Dad: "Wow! Look at you! Your such a big girl!"

Ari:" Daddy can I go play on the slides? Please?"

Ari's Dad:"Okay baby girl, but what did we talk about?"

Ari: " No climbing, running, or hanging off the sides of the slide."

Ari's Dad:"That's my girl", * kisses her head* "Alright go play"


Yeah those were the good old days. Then on my 6th birthday party my parents told me I had an older brother, his name was yep you guessed it none other the Roc Royal himself, only we called him Chresanto. He was only 9 years old and had girls all over him, he never really paid attention to them though. Of course I would get jealous because he was my big brother I didn't want to see him get hurt, even if I was younger I would always try defending him. Chresanto and I had all the normal sibling fights, disagreements, everything you could think of that happened between siblings well it happened with us. Chresanto was always very protective of me, he even threatened to make some guy swallow his teeth just because he was flirting with me. We were always together as kids, nothing was coming between us. The very first day of school was murder to me, I had never been away from my brother for more than 5 minutes at a time.


Ari: "Don't leave me Chres, I'm scared."

Chres: "Its okay Ari I'm gonna see you at lunch and recess."

Ari: "What if they don't like me? I'm really small. "

Chres: "You'll be okay, just remember what I told you if anyone bullies you"

Ari: "Punch them in the face and say they tripped, yeah I don't think that's gonna work."

Chres: "Ari trust me, it'll be okay" *kisses her nose* "i love you Ari."

Ari: "Love you too Chres." *hugs him tightly*

Chres: *hugs back* "Meet me at recess, by the slides."

-Before you could answer Roc ran into the school.


You were looking for Chres everywhere only you couldn't find him, you began to worry since he was your brother and you couldn't find him where he said he was going to be, after looking for a few minutes you finally found him over beside the school with some of these girls surrounding him, you didn't know what he was doing but all you know is you weren't okay, everyone picked on you because of being so small. You got pushed to the ground, stepped on, kicked, and you even got your hair pulled. All you wanted was for Chres to be alone with you, you just wanted your brother but all these girls were around him. Even though you were only 6 you walked over there and pushed your way through the girls and marched right in front of Chres' face.

Chres: "Oh hey Ari, what's up?"

Ari: "What happened to the slides, and meeting me over there like you said?!?" You were practically screaming at him.

Chres: "I didn't see you over there, so I came over here." He was yelling back at you

Ari: You were trying to fight back the tears that were forming in your eyes " I HATE YOU, YOUR THE WORST BIG BROTHER EVER!!!" you gave up on trying to the tears back, you just let them fall uncontrollably.

Chres: "Ari its okay just calm down I'm sorry." *hugs you hard*

Ari: "You told me to trust you, and I did, you weren't there"

Chres: "I said I was sorry."


Me and Chres were inseparable even after my mom left. Even when you were 8 and he was 11, you still did everything together. You taught him how to ride a bike and he taught you to swim. You would throw birthday parties together, it didn't matter if he wanted superheros and you wanted princesses, you still got want you both wanted. After arguing and wrestling with each other of course, like I said we were normal siblings.


Chres: "Ari what's this bruise?" *poking your leg*

Ari: "Its nothing. I fell on the ground a couple days ago."

Chres: "You sure? You know you can tell me anything."

Ari: "I know I can. Its nothing just a bruise like I said."

Your mother left you and Chres with your dad a week ago. That's when the beating started, Chres still doesn't know or at least you think he doesn't. You haven't noticed any bruises or cuts on Chres but you don't want to ask him, let alone worry him. He kept questioning you thought the next two weeks, until the Saturday that changed your life and Chres' life.


Ari: "Please kill me now." *cleaning your wrists* yes you cut your wrists but your not emo, you just want a release from everything.

Dad: "ARIA I SAID NOW!!!!!"

Ari: *runs downstairs*

Dad: "Well it took you long enough, where's my dinner? I told you to have it on the table when I get home. WHAT DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT??!??!??!!!!"

Ari: "I-I'm sorry"


Your dad continues to beat, kick,punch, and throw you around like a rag doll. You never heard your brother come in, you were to busy trying to hide your face from getting beaten by the baseball bat your dad was swinging at you, you heard Chres gasp, that's when you knew. You knew he witnessed what's been going on the past two and a half or three weeks. You never wanted Chres to see this, to see your vulnerability, the bruises on your arms, stomach, face, everywhere, you knew it would tear him apart. You knew he could see the blood running down your face from the cuts and busted lip. You always knew your father liked your brother more than he did you he just never admitted it.

Chres: "What's going on?" *worried and confused*

Dad: "Nothing Chresanto, I was just teaching Aria some self defense."

Chres: "With a baseball bat?"

Dad: "You never know what's out there or what people could have, I just and wanted her to be prepared."

Chres: "Oh okay, come on Ari I'll go get you cleaned up." *helps her up*

Dad: "Aria you better make my dinner when your done."


Chres: "Ari what happened?Don't lie to me either."

Ari: "Nothing." * looks down*

Chres: "Ari that wasn't nothing, why was he hitting you with a baseball bat?"

Ari: "Chresanto I said it was nothing, it was like dad said, he was teaching me self defense."

Chres' P.O.V

She never calls me by my full name and when she does she's either mad, or something really bad happened to her. I want to know what my dad was doing to her. Lately she's had these unexplained bruises on her legs, I know she falls down or trips on occasion but not all that often. And she usually hits her shins off of stuff not her sides, arms, or face. Something's up and I what to know what.

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