My Vampire Lover Chapter 4

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Recap: so Haifa goes to see Henrie and finds out that her ability is the result of magic.

Chapter 4

He hopped off the desk and walked into the far corner of the room I could see from his movements that he picked something up. He turned around his fist was closed around a single red rose. He walked back over to me and handed me the rose, I took it and smiled up at him.

"thanks" I said , whilst putting the rose to my nose I could smell it's sweet fragrance it was out of this world.

He smiled and said "keep a petal of this with you at all times, it will help cloud other vampires minds and your ability will go unnoticed, I will think of a long term solution in the meanwhile."

I just stared at him is he trying to help me. Why?

"don't frown, you look much more delectable smiling"

That made me laugh his comparison of me with food, how ironic.

"that's more like it" he smiled.

"why are you helping me?" I questioned.

He just smiled.

"so it going to be like that" I said.

He just kept smirking and it made me feel all warm inside, this annoyed me I couldn't have feelings brewing for this man, for god sakes he wasn't even a man maybe a monster, but he looked like a man. Whilst I was pondering these thoughts the intercom went off, Henrie walked over to it and spoke to a hysterical man.

"Master we have a situation down here" he said.

" ok I'll be right down." and he clicked off the intercom, he shot to me and said "stay here" his eyes showed complete seriousness, I just nodded in reply and he shot out of the office. What was that all about? I looked at my watch it was 11:30 wow I'd been here more than a hour, I looked around the office it was a cute little office, there was a desk, that's were I was sitting, in the far corner there was a chest and across that there was a screen what was that for, I got up and went to explore, behind the screen there was a Victorian style daybed, did he sleep here, obviously he didn't sleep here d'uh I've seen his room well I've been his bed, but that's a whole different problem so back to the office maybe he sucked his victims here? Ewww that just gave me the creeps I walked around the screen back to the desk. What was wrong? I felt inpatient to I decided to go and see what was "situation" it was. I walked out the office door and down the corridor to the door that lead to the underground chambers no one was guarding the door, so I decided to slip in and when I reached the vault door I remembered Henrie used a key to get in last time, maybe if I pulled the lever someone might have forgotten to look it, I pulled the lever and I was right it was unlocked I stepped in and closed the door behind I walked down the stone stairs as quietly as possible I could hear a commotion in the banquet hall, when I reached the halls entrance I could see Henrie and Onyx and a couple of guard Henrie was shouting at them about something, all I could catch was "how could you let this happen" and "I will have you heads on platters" then I felt a tickle of air on the back of my neck when I turned around there was a animal, like a tiger, but 10x bigger then a tiger and it was walking up right like a human I stumbled into the hall and the tiger/man let out a roar so load that it made me fall to the floor I could feel the blood rushing to my head I was so frightened, the beast rove his clawed hand into my arm I could feel blood pouring out of my arm then all I saw was a black blur going past and it hit straight into the beast and then I fell back on to the floor, I could feel myself slipping away then I heard a deep voice say

"don't worry you'll be ok" It was Onyx, then I could feel my self slipping into darkness....

Thanks for reading :)

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