My Vampire Lover Chapter 8

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Recap : So Haifa has a new dilemma on her hands, when Henrie's mum announces that Henrie and Haifa are to get married. Haifa gets upset and storms out.

Before this point it has been in Haifa's POV but now in Henrie's POV.

I was unable to think intelligently, I want this girl, her unique brain waves would prove valuable to my powerbase so I wanted her on a business level but I felt a pain in my chest a pain I had never felt before it was like a churning feeling that made me sick I had started to develop feelings for her, feelings out of my control, quite literally she is my life source.

The door to my office flew open and made a load thud against the wall behind it. Countess Amelia, my mother, stormed in and didn't stop until she was standing opposite me, my father, Count Demetrius, trailed in after her. Her eyes where like a blood red storms, she was extremely angry.

Henrie what have you done she screamed.

I stood up and said mother I do not know what you are talking about

I have received word that your Human has refused to marry you and she left the banquet in a huff mother replied.

I turned and walked around the table to stand face to face with my mother, mother don't worry she will come around, the idea of marriage was thrown at her unannounced and she panicked, but I can feel that she is calm now I will go and find her and talk to her I explained to my mum.

She was still angry but not furious anymore ok but you better talk her around soon because I wont let you ruin our reputation she said and sat down in the chair. Mean while father stood quietly out of the way. My father was a Human and well over 2000 years old my mother met him a long time ago , he came from Viking origins hence the blond hair and blue eyes I looked nothing like him but my sister, Christelle, looked exactly like him we where such a mismatched family, it made me smile sometimes.

go then, find her and don't disappoint me she said this and got up and left the room my father turned around and looked at me apologetically and walked after her.

But I don't think she wants to be found.

I walked out of my office down the main corridor following through to the west wing underground. I walked past every door and finally I felt her presence in Onyx's room but she seemed really calm, why? I opened the door gently and she was curled up on the bed fast asleep. I walked over to her and looked down at her face she was so beautiful, I felt a warm feeling building up in my chest, I really did love her. I leaned forward and picked her up and carried her to my room, our room (hopefully soon).

After I tucked her in I laid down next to her and drifted off my self. It had been a long night.


I was walking down a corridor made of stone and lit with candles, it was so cold I felt a shiver going down my back. I walked on to the end where a large wooded door was slightly agar, letting out some light. I walked slowly towards the light, as I gently opened the door I saw that a throne was placed in the centre of the large room, sitting on the throne was a women with pale white skin and long black hair, she was wearing a dress that was white with gold detail. I looked up to her face and on the left side of her face symbols where tattooed along the outline of her face. I instantly recognised her as Inez, the Queen of Darkness. I walked towards her and as soon I reached her throne I bowed to her. I kept my gaze on the ground, she got off her throne and walked down the dais towards me. When she reached me she placed her hand on my shoulder and said

Henrie I have been waiting for you.

I looked up into her face, her Amber gold eyes where fixed on me.

She removed her hand from my shoulder, take a seat she said pointing towards two chairs placed near a open fire.

I straightened up and walked over to the seat and sat down. She followed me and took the other seat.

Henrie I expect you know who I am?


Then you must know why I have contacted you?


Good, then you must know what I want of you?


and what is that?

to father a heir with the seer

Yes and do you know who the seer is?


she is with in your reach Henrie

I do not know who it is my Queen

She smiled and shock her head, yes Henrie you do, you just don't want to believe it

No my Queen I really do not know

ok take this and she handed me a amulet, when this turns red it is in contact with the seer, but remember the seer has to be wearing it for it to turn red


but make sure it does not befall in to the hands of anyone from Yves's clan (the werewolves)


good because if they find the seer before you do all hell will rise


now go back

I got up and walked back out of the door and down the corridor.


I woke with a start, I looked down and a mane of dark hair was resting on my chest. I smiled and felt something heavy in my hand, I raised my hand to see what it was, it was an Amulet.

sowi all i don't know where all the speech marks went....but comment , vote ect THNKS

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