Lesson 3

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Oh man i am SORRY guys, i kinda lost the thrill to write, issues came up with my previous partner and we decided to stop seeing each other but i am now seeing this amazing girl named Maddie. So i should be getting back into this in this week, i'm hoping to update pretty much everything. 

Hope you can forgive me!

~Tess xoxo ~stay wonderful my beautiful bluebirds~

Lesson 3

"so your fathers have been together how long?" Adisa sat on Monty's bed while Monty was petting the brown lab named Akita on his floor.

"A long time" Monty laughed, "23 years now"

"Thats is a long time, they got together only two years after i was born" Adisa chuckled with the blond.

"You're an old man" Monty stuck his tongue out teasingly.

"And you're a bratty little boy" Adisa shot back.

"Mmhm, what are you gonna do? spank me?"

"Oi i took care of many younger siblings, lean over my knee, my hands are as strong as a lions paw" Adisa teased and Monty looked him in the eye.

"I bet you'd like that dirty man, you know i'm younger than you by like 4 years, cradle robber"

"Montgomery we are in the house of your parents, we will not speak so crudely" Adisa snapped playfully.

Monty abandoned the dog which earned a whine and crawled over to Adisa, he folded his arms over Adisas upper thighs and laid his head down in Adisas lap. Adisas big hand settled on Monty's head and began petting. Monty's eyes fluttered closed and Adisa began to hum, a soft and light song.

Monty sighed calmly as Adisa leaned to the side and picked up Monty's hair and began to braid it.

"It's so soft, your hair" Adisa said.

Monty nodded and when Adisa had tied off the braid monty look up at him. Adisa picked up Monty's chin and smiled affectionately, "why do you look at an old man with such bright eyes?"

"You're not an old man" Montgomery hummed and Adisa parted his legs and monty slid closer until his arms were wrapped around Adisa's lower back and Monty's head was laying on Adisas abs.

"You're so warm" Adisa observed and let his hands wander around Monty's neck and shoulders.

"Comes with being Polish" Monty snuggled closer, "my body is always warm"

"Like a personal heater" Adisa joked and Monty stood. Adisa looked at him with questioning eyes and Monty leaned forwards, pushing Adisa back on his bed and wrapping his arms around the africans neck. Monty was sprawled out on Adisa and the african chuckled and wrapped his arms around montgomery and held the boy close, "a blanket indeed" he smiled and once again began to stroke Monty's hair.

The two didn't know how long they stayed in that simple embrace, Monty didn't know how long he listened to Adisa hum. Adasi didn't know how long he'd laid in a bed that wasn't his with a man that wasn't his. There was a knock on the door and a small red head walk in the room holding two bowls.

"Monty, and friend" the girl giggled and Monty shifted to look at his sister, "papa told me to bring you guys dinner" she placed the two bowls of hot soup on the bed side table and patted her brother on the back and smiled warmly at the man she didn't know.

"I'm Fawn, dad says no funny business" she winked and left.

"I guess we've been here a while" Adisa whispered and Monty nodded into the older man's chest.

"I guess"

"Are you hungary?"

"I guess"

"Well, how about i grab the soup and you were talking about netflix earlier? how about you choose something for us to watch before i go"

"Do you have to?" Monty whined.

"Sadly," Adisa stood up and kissed Monty on the temple, "i do"

Monty dragged his laptop into his lap and smirked when he found a movie to watch. Adisa clambered back onto the bed and sat criss crossed. he thrusted a bowl towards Monty. Monty pouted and crawled towards Adisa and plopped in his lap and took the bowl.

Adisa chuckled deeply and nuzzled Monty's messy hair and kissed the back of his head before slurping his soup.

"What are we watching?"

"It's a movie called Rubber, it's about a tire named Robert rollin through the dessert using his telepathic abilities to kill people"

"Why?!" Adisa coughed.

"Because" Monty smiled and pressed his back to Adisa's warm chest, "why not?"  

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