Lesson 14

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"How's Shawn?" Mark sat down next to Monty in their shared lecture and Monty rolled his eyes- shifting so he leaned away from Mark.

"I know you don't care- so what do you want?"

"I mean he hasn't been around for a few days- he get Ebola or something" mark laughed and his buddy laughed as well.

"You need me to mash your face against a brick wall again?" Monty murmured, "He's just got a cold"

"A med student with a cold- how wimpy?"

"Not as wimpy as your dick" Monty scoffed, "yeah buddy- you really want it to get out that a poor Polish kurwa (whore) sucked you off and you came in 30 seconds. Pieprzyć (fucker)" Monty whispered.

Mark made a disgusted face and grabbed Monty's bun- slamming the front of his face into the metal desk and pushing him to the ground, "You dirty slut! how dare you fuck with me! you and your dirty monkey boyfriend can die for all i care!"

"Nie przestraszysz się, jesteś żałosny" (You don't scare me, you're pitiful) Monty spat, blood pooling over his bottom lip and Mark pressed on Monty's back with his foot.

Mark slammed his foot down- crushing a rib and the Professor walked in. Mark stepped back and the gray haired black woman looked on in horror. The woman pushed a black call button by the door . She rushed and pushed Mark away from Monty- who was wheezing.

"Mr. Sterling- are you okay? can you hear me?"

"Papa" Monty whined, "Papa it hurts"

"Jesus Christ- Someone call 911" the professor yelled and Christina pulled her phone out and dialed quickly, "Hey- Mr. Sterling- you're gonna be okay"


When Adisa arrived at the hospital he was a mess- running a slight fever and sweating- his hands were shaking and his heart beating as quickly as it could. When he pushed the door to Monty's room open he met Harrison's teary eyes and his knees gave out. Carson caught the young man and helped him sit in a chair.

"Adisa we told you you didn't have to come- you're sick son"

"The love of my life was beaten over me- a fever will not keep me from him- please understand" Adisa breathed out- ragged and uneven as he relaxed in the chair- his sweaty hands grasping his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"he's got a broken nose- and a fractured orbital socket" garrison whimpered, "three fractured ribs- one more kick and his lung would have been punctured" Carson walked over and took his son's hand- running his hand over his locks, "I can't believe this happened"

Carson leaned over his husband and kissed his temple.

"Where is Mark?" Adisa asked- bile rising in his throat as he let the name of the man who beat his lover cross his tongue.

"In custody" Carson sighed, "Thankfully. Good thing about having money si there is no way he's getting out of this without jail time"

"Charging him with attempted murder" Harrison said, "Bastard will go down for this"

"papa?" Monty whispered and Adisa stood up- swaying with his fever as he watched his lover with baited breath.

"Hi sweetie" Harrison responded to Montgomery's call for him, "welcome back"

"Where was i?" Monty asked in a daze.

"Passed out- you got assaulted"

"That would be the reason i feel like broken bricks" Monty groaned.

"I'll get the nurse" Carson patted Harrison on the back and left the room- shutting the door behind him.

"Addie is here, kochanie(baby). Do you want to see him?" Harrison asked softly.

Monty nodded and Adisa moved to sit in the other chair by Monty's bed.

"Hello cub" Adisa whispered, gently brushing his clammy finger tips against his lovers jaw.

"You're sick- you should be in bed" Monty said.

"Don't worry about me love- I'm alright" Adisa smiled.

"Mark was talking shit" Monty said.

"Shh- it's okay love- you don't have to talk about it"

"You look feverish"

"I couldn't stay home" Adisa felt tears filling his eyes and he didn't notice he had started to cry until Monty had reached up to wipe it away. At this point Harrison left to find Carson- giving the two young men time alone together.

"Why are you crying, miłość?" (love).

"I couldn't imagine losing you Montgomery- my life would have fallen apart- when your father called i thought my heart stopped" Adisa held Monty's hand to his cheek, "The feelings of watching Emen die came rushing to me- i can not go on if you are gone"

"But I'm not gone" Monty smiled- the pain killers making him calm and sleepy, "I'm right here- bloody and bruised- but right here"

"Thank the lord for that" Adisa kissed all over Monty's hand.

"We should get married" Monty grinned.

"Love- it's still a little early for that- at least lets wait until you're better"

"I'm still gonna wanna marry you" Monty said like it was common sense, "and i wanna meet your family- and be at your graduation and be there when you get your MD. I wanna have kids and get lots of pets"

"That sounds lovely- but i can't go back"

"Dr.'s without Boarders can" Monty said, "i was looking into it- we can both sign up once you get your MD and i pass my nursing exam- we can help- we can make sure no one else looses the person they love"

"i love you" Adisa said, "i would kiss you but I'm sick and you don;t need a cold on top of these injuries"

"I'm already in a hospital" Monty said.

"Your nose is broken"

"so turn your head"

"i love you" Adisa snickered and leaned forwards t pressed a soft kiss to Monty;s cheek.

"I love you too- did you feed Emen before you left?"

"No- i need to go feed him"

"Go" Monty smiled, "I'll be okay"

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