Lesson 21

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"So, Adisa said that you are married? And have a son?" Monty asked as the trio sat down in the living room after moving the rest of Adisa's stuff into his new room.

"Yeah, Daniella and Noah. It's actually kind of embarrassing" Oliver rubbed the back of his neck.

"How so?" Monty asked and cocked his head to the side.

"Noah's full name is Noah Montgomery Banks" Oliver chuckled nervously, and Monty's eyes grew soft, of course Oliver was so sentimental and sappy that he named his kid after his best friend in the orphanage.

Monty had never gotten the chance to talk about his feelings for Oliver, it is likely that Monty wouldn't even be alive today if it wasn't for Oliver watching after him and taking care of him when Monty was ready to give up and die.

"That's so sweet" Montgomery smiled, and Oliver beamed.

"You'd love him, he's such a mischievous little boy, he's always got his hands on something. "

"So, he's exactly like you" Monty laughed and Adisa smiled as a curtsy, he was starting to grow slightly unsettled at the strong connection to two other men had. Monty and Oliver had history, Adisa had only known Monty for less than two years.

Adisa was not the possessive type, he was very relaxed as he knew Monty loved him. His eyes bore into Oliver's shining smile as he tried his hardest to push down the searing heat in his stomach. As the two blonds continued to converse it became very clear how Monty felt about Oliver. Monty's eyes never left Oliver's form, even when Oliver was lovingly talking about Daniella and Noah.

Adisa looked at Monty, begging his younger lover to look at him. Monty's head stayed facing Oliver and Adisa needed a second alone. He patted Monty on the shoulder, signaling that he needed to get up and Monty scooted while still talking to Oliver. Adisa walked to the bathroom and closed the door softly. Locking the door so he could have a moment totally alone. His large hands wrapped around the edge of the sink and he focused his blurry vision on the drain cover.

"Calm yourself" a voice echoed in his head and he looked up at himself in the mirror.

"You are steps ahead of the rest of us love," arms wrapped around Adisa's chest, "Stay in the current, we have time for the future later," Emen was always so calm, never anxious while Adisa worried over every little thing.

Adisa turned in Emen's arms and wound himself against the taller man's chest. Emen chuckled lowly as Adisa buried his face in the crook of Emen's neck.

"Cub," Emen smiled, "I know it's hard"

"I just want to be able to make you my family" Adisa mumbled, they were currently holed up in an abandoned American missionary hut outside of their village. They spent a lot of their time there as they could be alone and didn't have to pretend to only be friends.

"Cub," Emen spoke softly, "Soon, you will get into the university in America and I will come after you soon after".

"What about our families?" Adisa asked, clutching the back of Emen's shirt.

"We'll figure it out, what do the Americans say? We'll cross that bridge when we arrive to it?" Emen said, always a sucker for American culture and literature.

"I love you" Adisa whined, "never leave me".

"Never, my boy" Emen craned his neck back and pressed a soft kiss to Adisa's nose.

Adisa moved to kiss Emen on the lips, a few months after that promise of forever a bout of Cholera spread through the town from the local well supply. It killed Emen as he was working hard and drinking lots of water. Adisa held his dying lover in his arms and Emen smiled as he died, never wanting Adisa to be sad on his behalf.

"Addie?" Monty knocked softly on the locked bathroom door, "Are you alright?"

Adisa let out a sour exhale and turned the water on in the sink. He cupped cold water in his hands and rubbed his face with it.

"Y-yeah" Adisa tried not to let his voice crack, "I'm alright love, just give me a moment."

Adisa looked himself in the mirror and tried to give a convincing smile. He straightened his spine and breathed in, filling his lungs fully. He reached to unlock the door and opened it to find Monty standing on the other side.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought" Adisa tried to laugh off his feelings and Monty furrowed his brows, knowing the redness in his lovers' eyes wasn't just getting lost in thought.

Monty took Adisa's hand and lead him to the unfinished bedroom. Monty threw Adisa's quilt on the bare mattress and laid down, he pulled Adisa next to him and rolled so his bicep was under the African's cheek and Monty held Adisa to his chest.

"It's okay" Monty whispered and Adisa gulped, "You're safe, I'm here, forever"

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