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3 weeks
Maya's POV
The apartment it quiet without Lucas here. No one to hug. No one to talk to.
With him not here I feel lonely...we talk everyday, its just not being able to be around him kills me. I always find myself crying after FaceTiming, I guess i just miss him...a lot.

I woke up from the night before, still with the TV on and popcorn by my side. It's 9:47 pm I still feel tired.
Me and Lucas FaceTime everyday at 10:00 in NYC time. I look forward to it everyday.

"Hey Lucas!" I said through the computer.

"Hey! How's it going over there? I miss you!"

"I'm fine, I miss you too! Riley comes over a lot to keep me company."

"That's great! I wish I was there with you."

"Yeah...me too."

"Maya? Where are you?" Riley popped her head through the door.


"Hey Riles."

"Hey Lucas! Fighting off bad guys?"
Riley said with a karate kick

"Hey Riley! Something like that." Lucas chuckled

"Can't wait till you come back!"

"Maya, I'm gonna be in the living room." Riley added

"Ok. Give me a minute."


"Hey Maya? I gotta go. It's lights out over here."

"Ok ok...Stay safe." I smiled

"I will." Lucas smiled

"Do you have to go?" I said with watery eyes

"Yeah, it's 10 pm over here, we gotta wake up pretty early."

"...ok fine, I'll let you go. I love you!"

"I love you too."

Lucas looked at me with big eyes.

"Hey Maya...I promise."

"Bye." I said with a fake smile

I turned off the computer and and wiped my eyes.

"I think it's cute that you and Lucas FaceTime everyday." Riley gushed as I approached the living room

I had a look on my face that Riley could tell something was wrong right away.

"What's wrong?"

I had this sick feeling in my stomach.

"Maya are you ok?"

Oh no- I rushed to the bathroom and regurgitated all over the toilet seat...ew.

"Ugh this is so gross... I didn't even eat anything today!"

"Maya, are you ok?" She said while rubbing my back

Riley looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah I guess, a little woozy."

"Maya...I don't know how to handle this! Im gonna look it up!"

Riley was never good with throw up...she gets all pale and looks like she's seen a ghost.

"Ok I looked up causes regurgitation. Maybe it was something you ate the day before?"

"All I had was a sandwich." I said plainly

"Maya....either you are something that didn't settle, and I really doubt it was a sandwich....or your pregnant!"

"Maya!" She said with her arms crossed

"Riley!" I said sarcastically

"How did that happen???"

"Seriously? Your asking me that question?"

We sat there in silence for a about a minute.

"You have to take a pregnancy test, Maya."

I tried not to make eye contact, but I knew I had to. I looked up at Riley.

"I know, what am I gonna tell Lucas?"

"Nothing! Nothing if your not pregnant. But if you are, then obviously your gonna have to tell Lucas."

I thought about it.
"Ok, I'll take the test today..."

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