Chapter 35 - "Squeaky Six Year Olds..."

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Chapter 35 - "Squeaky Six Year Olds..."

Clara's PoV

'Now. I've set up the spare room for them to all sleep in' John instructed to Lilly because he knew that there was going to be three squeaky six year olds here in a minute - plus Avia - and that they were all spending the night.

It was going to be awful but he was hoping he could use this time to hide out in his bedroom and do some work but he had a feeling Evelyn would be following him around like a puppy.

She gets jealous easily, and doesn't like it when Avia gets things that she doesn't.

It's not Avia's birthday until Monday but the sleepover was this weekend because it's the only one that John's free.

He considered sending Evelyn to Clara's on her own but that wouldn't go down well with Avia so he decided not to do that - plus he's still not sure about how she would be.

She still wakes up at night at Clara's from not being used to it, but Clara knows how to handle it a little more now.

'Daisy's here' Avia squealed who was her best friend and was taught by Clara ironically.

John knew that very soon there was going to be 4 hyper six year olds running the perimeter, he just scolds the fact that it's so fricken cold outside so he can't even throw them outside for "air".

After pizza and ice cream and lord knows how much sweets and popcorn, he dreads to think if they'll actually sleep.

- - -

Lilly watched as all the girls sat in the lounge as she set up the wii for them to play.

They wanted to play Just Dance which was a great idea because it might actually burn some energy from them.

'Go away Evie. Your too little to play with us' Avia said pushing her out of her way, and grabbed the remote.

'I want to play' she pouted. 'And I'm not little. I'm 4' she scoffed, hating to be told that she was more little than Avia because she wasn't.

'Well you can't' she said handing the remote to Chloe and Emilie her other friends who are in Mr Pinks class with her.

'I can. Daddy lets me play with him' she said with a pout and probably about to cry from being left out, but she sat on the sofa, watching Avia and her friends play.

After two dances Evie jumped up hoping she would get a go now, which Emilie gave her the remote. 'No. She can't play' Avia scoffed, pushing Evie out of the way,

It was just one of those sibling rivalry things. Every girl wants to look cool in front of her friends, but things got out of hand when Avia threw the remote at Evie's head.

She knew as soon as she had done it she would get into trouble. She's not normally the one who gets in trouble, and ran after Evie as she ran up the stairs crying, calling after John.

'Please don't tell Daddy' Avia said as Evie burst into the room and pulled on John's trouser leg.

'Go and sort it out between you' he muttered, as Evie pulled again.

'Avia threw the remote at my head and won't let me have a turn and it's not fair' she said in tears, as John swivelled round on the chair to see the guilt written all over Avia's face.

'Where did she hit you?' John asked.

Normally John wouldn't have been concerned. It's just a bump on the head. But to Evelyn it's not.

She pointed at her forehead as John lifted her onto his lap knowing he had to keep a close eye on her for the rest of the night now. Kids have arguments all the time. Kids get bumps all the time but a bump on the head could be the death of Evelyn.

'Let her have one turn' John scolded and you can go and sit at the bottom of the stairs until then.

'But Daddy' she said trying not to cry because she hates getting into trouble, especially when all of her friends are here in front of her.

'Now' he instructed, taking Evie's hand and going into the lounge. 'You girls don't mind if Evie plays do you?' John asked, with a chuckle, as Evie ran straight for Avia's remote but was still crying.

'I gave her the remote, but Avia wouldn't let her' someone said. He didn't really and couldn't remember their names, so he just smirked.

'It's alright. She just wants a go' John smiled.

- - -

'Can I use the stapler?' Evie squeaked, as she jumped off the chair at her little desk John had set up for her.

John decided a fun game might be to get to work at his office, so he let her do some important drawing that has to be filed urgently.

It was just a fun way of distracting her if he was honest because he really didn't want her winding Avia up or vice versa.

'Yes. Now are you going to file it? It's an important file' John smirked, sending his last email for the evening, and opened up the website to order all the pizza.

'Yeah' she chuckled, running to John's office room, after taking his hand and dragging him along. 'It has to go under E because my name starts with E' she said confidently.

'Yes it does' he chuckled.

He would have told her that technically it would be filed under S because her last name is Smith, but be didn't have the heart to tell her that when she was all excited.

He found that the rest of the evening wasn't so bad.

Him and Evie managed to get an early night, with Evie sleeping in John's bed, having fallen asleep after a pizza that he ordered separately for them, and watched a film.

He wasn't much into watching Frozen but she practically begged and he still can't and won't say no to them eyes, plus he needed to keep an eye on her overnight after the bump on the head in case of a fit.

He couldn't see it happening - of it was going to happen it would have done, but he just wanted to make sure and cover his back.

- - -

'Daddy' a small whisper came, as John adjusted his eyes to the light that was peeping through his bedroom door.

'Hmm' he grunted, as Avia poked his cheek.

'Daddy' she pouted again.

'What's wrong Avia? Lilly is in charge tonight, go and bug her' he scoffed rolling over at the fact that it was 4 in the morning.

'Daisy was sick' she said making John's eyes widen.

'Great. Sending a kid home sick' John muttered, as he collided with Lilly in the corridor. He supposed it wasn't really a sleepover if you haven't eaten that much food was it?

'I've got it John' Lilly said, making John grunt and find Daisy, where she was nearly asleep again anyway. Thankfully it wasn't on the carpet or anything but he shifted them all to Avia's room, where Daisy could sleep in one of the beds, seeing as Evie was in his room.

'Do you want me to cal your Mummy?' John asked giving her the option, even though he can imagine the conversation with Daisy's Mum at half past 4 on a Saturday morning.

'No. I want to stay' she pouted.

'That's fine. Just try to go to sleep. Your all by my room now so I'll here you if you don't sleep' John scoffed in a jokey way.

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