Chapter 51 - "New Year..."

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Chapter 51 - "New Year..."

Clara's PoV

I kissed back.

How could I not?

All I was thinking in my head was the fact that he was kissing me - not even me kissing him this time.

He actually leant down and kissed me.

I moved my lips in sync with his and wrapped my arms around his neck, as he kissed me deeper.

I felt his tongue swirl around in my mouth, as I did much the same in his mouth, feeling the electricity of the kiss run down my spine, and instead, pushed him down so he was leaning against the cushion on the sofa, and I was suddenly without even being fully aware of it straddling his lap.

It's a good job this was a remote little hospital coffee shop where there literally was no one around but the barrister and he probably assumes were a couple.

We always were sexual animals back in the day - I mean some of the places we had sex in our teenage years are just to gruesome to tell, but there was no way either of us were going to do this in a coffee shop, but nonetheless I carried on kissing him gently as carefully as he kissed me.

'You missed the fireworks' I breathed as I leant away from his face for a gasp of breath and rested my forehead on his, as he breathed sweetly in my face.

'Never mind. There's always next year' he said, as he had brought his hands to rest on my hips, practically holding me up on his lap.

'Sorry about that. Got a bit... Carried away there' I whispered, awkwardly climbing off of him.

'Don't worry about it. I umm - well I started it for sure' he nodded.

'Good start to 2016 then?'

'It was okay' he joked, picking up the empty bags and coffee cups, disposing of them as we headed towards the lift. 'Well check in on Evie and make sure she's asleep - then I need to go and get her a few bits' he said announcing his plan.

- - -

The hospital had given Evie a release date of January 2nd now instead of New Years Day because they were concerned about her lack of energy - and that it could result in a another fit, but otherwise she was doing just fine.

Avia on the other hand was refusing to even come near me. Which made me pretty sad to know that I'd done that to her.

'I'm going to hit he hospital. You coming?' John asked being pretty civil.

I wasn't sure if it was our impromptu kiss... But there was something about him that was different when around me.

It was a look I kind of recognised and sort of missed. He looked a little like he did when he was a nerdy 17 year old.

'Yeah. Only if that's okay?' I asked as Avia ran in the lounge and ran back out. 'Well someone knows how to hold a grudge' I mumbled.

'Why don't you just tell her already?'

'Tell her what?'

'That your not going' he said with a confused look.

'Why would I do that?'

'Because your not... Are you?'

'Umm. Yeah. It's all set up. They've sorted out a hotel and everything. I leave at 6pm on January 5th' I said wandering towards the car and felt a hand on mine on the handle of the car door. 'What?'

'Your still leaving?' He said with the hurt pretty much written all over his face.

'Yeah. Like I said it's all set up. I've got nothing holding me to here. I mean yeah the girls but like I said - Ill be back in six months. And my boyfriend is coming with me for three of the six months so I won't be lonely' I shrugged clearly not reading the signs.

'Oh right' he mumbled, dropping his hand fast from being on top of mine. 'Pe' he sulked.

- - -

'Where did Mummy go?' Evie asked as she clung to John's neck getting the special treatment because she was sick.

John had already taken them both out for a burger and let them have ice cream even though Evie hardly ate a thing it was still fun.

He then said they could watch a film tonight if they wanted because she had been so brave.

She had to sleep in John's bed with him for the next couple of nights because of the risk of another fit bit that wouldn't matter because he enjoyed the company.

'She's gone home. She had to go and pack' he admitted not lying about it anymore.

He was disappointed that she was still going. He didn't expect something as cliche as a true loves kiss to work or anything - he didn't expect her to want to jump back into a relationship with John - but he hoped that he had meant something to her but the way she is acting makes him think otherwise.

He kissed her and now he feels stupid for it.

- - -

'What. Are you doing?' Amy scoffed as she slammed the suitcase lid down while I was trying to pack.

'Packing a suitcase. What does it look like I'm doing?'

'I means why are you still going? You don't need to anymore. You admitted yourself that your still in love with John and it's obvious he still has feelings for you so why are you still packing they damn bag?'

'Because Amy... The whole thing is sorted. Maybe when I come back we can give it ago - but I don't think I want to. I realised last night how complicated this all is and that I just don't think that it would workout as well as your all imagining it will'

'Your unbelievable Clara. You could have your husband back. You could have your kids back and your flying half way across the world with him' she scoffed pointing at a picture of Danny.

She really doesn't like Danny. I don't know why people don't like him. He's my boyfriend and I like him.

'Go away Amy. I'm going and there really is nothing you can do about it'

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