Chapter 79 - "Sunday Lunch..."

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Chapter 79 - "Sunday Lunch..."

Clara's PoV

'Well I guess 5 o clock is a better wake up than 3 o clock' I smirked down the phone at John.

'They're asking where you are' he said sadly.

'And you told them I'm at my flat?'

'Well yeah because that's where you are. What are you doing today?' John asked.

'Going to my Dads for Sunday dinner. Sounds absolutely awful. The last thing I want to do is spend the day with Linda and my Father but such is life I suppose' I said rolling my eyes. 'You should come?'

'No. No way. Take the girls. But I'm not coming' he said nervously knowing that the chance are that my Father would rip into him. It's hardly his fault but my Dad always blamed John for just leaving me behind.

'I can take the girls?' I said really quite shocked.

'Of course. As long as I don't have to go'

'Please John. Please come' I whined.

'No. No. Come and get the girls at 12. But no I'm not coming, it'll give me a chance to catch up with the office before tomorrow' John mumbled.

- - -

'Mummy. Why isn't Daddy coming to Grandpas?' Evie complained, as I unbuckled her from the back and lifted her out of the car.

'Because he has important work to do' I lied.

I knew he was just spending his afternoon catching up on Game Of Thrones. He would do anything really to avoid coming and seeing my Dad, but if it works out again this time between us - he can't avoid him forever.

'Go on Avia. Tap on the door' I grinned, as she did exactly that and Evie suddenly freaked the hell out as the door opened.

'Dad you knew I was bringing them. Please put the cat outside' I begged, as Evie clutched onto me like a monkey, and would not let go of my neck.

'I'm not putting the cat upstairs' Linda scoffed.

'You will for your grandkids' I said with my other hand on my hips.

'Their not my Grandkids. I never agreed with them at the time' she snapped rudely.

'Linda. Take the car upstairs otherwise I will throw you out for the day' Dad scoffed. 'Come on girls. Come and see your great grandma' Dad smirked taking Avia's hand.

It's only technically the second time that the girls had met my Dad since being tiny babies, and yet they seemed to get on quite well.

'So where's the Dad? Where's John?'

'At work. Had some stuff he couldn't get out of' I lied once again.

'Hmm. Same old same old then' he snapped, as we went into the kitchen where the table was pretty much laid, and I dropped Evie to one of the seats.

Evie isn't typically a shy little girl, so it made me wonder why she was being so clingy other than the fact that there was a cat in the house.

She wouldn't leave my side to play with any of the toys, yet Avia was having a conversation with my Gran and was showing her the colouring in that she was doing.

'Come on Avia. Gran. Dinners ready' I grinned instructing them to come into the kitchen.

- - -

'Drinks? Linda. Do the drinks' Dad said as she reluctantly poured two glasses of juice for the girls - Evie of whom was very excited to be getting to drink out of a big girl glass instead of plastic cup.

I raised my eyebrow as Linda spitefully placed two bottles of beer in front of me and smirked.

'Oh come on?' I complained.

'Whoops sorry. Forgot. Here's the bottle opener' she smirked, placing it down next to them making me growl.

'You selfish--'

'Linda. Why do you have to cause so many problems?' David complained, as Evie reached out for it.

'Can I try your drink Mummy?' She said wanting to be a grown up, but I slapped her hand away from it and she pouted back in her sleep.

'No Avia. That's big people drinks that Daddy drinks. We're not allowed that' Avia said as if it was obvious.

'Of course she can have some. She'll be an alcoholic like her mother anyway, so she may as well start young' Linda scoffed, as Dad lost it.

'Right. I've tried being patient. Go upstairs'

'I'm an adult Dave'

'Up. Stairs' he gritted, making her stomp her qua up the stairs and remove the drinks from the table. 'I'll be putting these away'

'If you want to drink them to take the edge off Dad it's fine. I don't need your pity, people can sit around the table and have a drink. I'm not that bad' I said rolling my eyes.

'I'm fine really' he mumbled. 'Now. Tell me about Australia'

- - -

'Stop looking at me like that you stupid mutt. Your not having any' John scoffed as the puppy followed him around the house.

John had never really noticed how quiet the house gets when the girls aren't arguing and having disagreements.

The dog looked at him with a dog face making John want to throw it out in the garden but he's not that mean.

'Go away' he snapped, pushing the dog off the sofa, as he put the TV on.

Buttons however was pretty persistent and jumped back onto the sofa, trying to curl up next to John. 'Go away'

The dog whined, making John roll his eyes. 'Fine. You can stay on the sofa but don't touch me' he said as a deal.

But not 45 minutes later, John had caved and the small puppy was curled up on John's lap, as he stroked it's adorable little ears as the front door opened and two kids came blundering in.

'I thought you hated the dog?' I smirked in the doorway. 'Don't think we didn't see you'

'Me and the dog will never be friends' John scoffed, pushing it off his lap and pausing the TV which was not appropriate for a 5 year old. 'How was Granddads?'

'In my and Grandma had an argument' Evie said making my eyes widen that she was so bloody attentive.

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