Chapter 38 - "PE Excuses..."

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Chapter 38 - "PE Excuses..." 

Clara's PoV

'Welcome to PE day' Danny smirked as be captured me in a hug Monday morning, cornering me in the staff room.

I hadn't really seen him much over the last week, mainly because I kept bailing on him to go and hang out with Evie and Avia.

'You bust tonight?' He asked. 'Your always busy these days so I'm getting in your diary and schedule while I can'

'Yeah. I guess. Sounds good' I said not remotely interested in him all of a sudden, as I packed his cheek and headed to my classroom.

'Okie dokie guys. It's PE day' I smirked as I was more than proud that I had remembered to wear leggings, white converse and a polo top. 'Who ever hasn't got their PE kit go and see Mr Pink with all the spare stuff' I said to them all which made the ones that pretended not to have their kits cringe.

I felt ready to get involved in the worst day of the year... Or hide in my classroom and do as much marking as I can before the Christmas holidays.

- - -

'Miss Oswald. Are you coming out onto the field for the big obstacle race?' Mr Pink asked.

'I wasn't going to' I scoffed, looking at my surroundings as he walked in and handed me a jumper.

'Your not really supporting your team very well from in here are you?' He smirked.

'Fine. I'm coming' I groaned, grabbing my phone and following after him to the playground.

I sat on one of the benches and waved to my class who looked pretty excited that I had come out to see them, when I watched a group of girls surrounding someone.

'I've got it' I instructed Mr Pink who went to intervene but Mr Davies was already there and I decided I would go and double check. 'What's going o--' I cut myself off as I saw sick on the playground.

'I'll get the caretaker' Adrien said, as I realised it was Evie who was actually up chucking half of her dinner.

'I told Daddy I feel sick' she said in tears obviously not liking the vomiting.

'It's alright. Lets get you to the office and clean you up. Then we'll ring Daddy' I said pushing my hand through her hair.

The temptation to scoop her up into a hug was a lot but I knew professionally I couldn't - and the only one here that knows of our relation is Adrien.

- - -

'Hello?' A scruff voice said at the other end of the phone rudely.

'Hi. Umm John. It's Evie. She's thrown up twice' I said. 'You'll have to come and get her'

'No way. She's only been suck because she doesn't want to do sports' John scoffed.

'No seriously. She's pale white. Crying and thrown up twice. You need to come and get her' I said. 'She can't stay here'

'Fine. I'll send Lilly'

'She's asking for you' I pointed out.

'Tough' he said slamming the phone down.

'Okay Evie. Lilly's on her way' I told her.

'Can't I stay with you?' She pouted as I handed her a glass of water. 'Can't you look after me?' She asked with a quivering lip.

'I can't sweetheart. I've got to work' I said to her. 'But I'll come and see you and check on you when I'm finished' I said hoping that John would allow that.

- - -

'Ugh. What do you want?' John scoffed.

'What is your problem? All I've done over the last few weeks is make an effort with them, and now all of a sudden your hating on me. I don't get it. I just don't understand'

'Your upsetting them. That's what. Would you please stop getting involved in the way I choose to raise them. They have a Nanny for a reason and that was to replace you - when you failed to do your job for the first 5 years of their life' he snapped.

'Are you like... On your period or something? Your so Fucking grumpy it's a joke. I'm here because our daughter was sick at school and I wanted to make sure she was okay'

'She's only our daughter when you want her to be - any other time you not interested'

'Don't be an idiot John and just let me see them. 5 minutes?' I begged.

He would have said no if Avia hadn't have heard us arguing.

'Why are you arguing? Was you naughty? Is Daddy telling you off?' She asked with a pout.

John rolled his eyes and pushed the door open. 'No. We're not fighting. We're just having a heated discussion' he said as Avia hugged me.

'Evie's sick'

'Yeah. That's why I'm here. I've come to see if she's okay' I said, as there was a stressed call from up the stairs to John.

'Daddy' she yelped as all three of us bounded up the stairs, and saw her sweating in the bathroom and hunched over the toilet still being violently sick.

'It's alright' John said trying to comfort her but she shrugged him off of her.

All we managed to get between spluttered was incoherent words but we both heard the word Mummy and so I pulled her hair out of her face and rubbed her back as she continued to upchuck.

'She's got one hell of a temperature' I said looking up at him as he started rooting through the cabinet that was locked in the bathroom full of medications.

He pulled out a couple of different ones, loading up one of the child friendly spoons and fed her the medicine as she slumped into my lap.

She really wasn't well at all.

'Her temperature has to stay down. She cannot go above 37, otherwise she's risking a fit' John said. 'She'll have to sleep in with me tonight' he sighed. 'Looks like I'll be having a few days sick' he sighed.


'She's epileptic. And unfortunately it's one thing that I can't blame you for can I? Fucking genetics' he scoffed.

- - -

'What do you think it is?' I asked as he handed me a cup of tea.

Suddenly he was managing to do civilised conversation again.

'A sickness bug probably' he sighed. 'Il leave to work from home this week. And chances are that Avia will get it as well so I'll probably have to take the week'

'Isn't all this what the Nanny's for? What's the point of having her if she can't even look after the kids when they're sick?' I scoffed.

'Because she can't okay' John muttered which made me think that they're was more to this.


'Not my secret to tell unfortunately' he mumbled. 'Now I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow. If you really want to be useful you could bring Avia home after school' he said as I felt my phone vibrate.

'Oh holy fuck' I said looking at the caller ID. 'I'm on my way Danny. I just had to stop and get petrol. Be with you in half an hour' I lied, leaving the house very quickly having just enough time to give Avia a hug.

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